Terénní programy očima jejich klientů
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Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na terénní programy pro uživatele drog a způsob, jakým tyto programy vnímají jejich klienti. Cílem práce je zjistit a popsat, jak vnímají klienti terénních programů, tyto programy jako celek, jak vnímají terénní pracovníky a služby jimi poskytované. Práce je rozdělena do dvou částí, na část teoretickou a empirickou. Teoretická část má za úkol přiblížit čtenáři problematiku drog a drogové závislosti, pojednává o terénních programech obecně, následně se zaměřuje na terénní programy, jejichž cílovou skupinou jsou uživatelé drog, na jejich principy, aktivity a služby. Součástí této části je také popis K-Centra, které rovněž poskytuje služby pro tuto cílovou skupinu. Dále se teoretická část zaměřuje na princip Harm Reduction a Public Health, což jsou dva základní stavební kameny jak terénních programů, tak i K-Center. Výzkum byl realizován v Libereckém kraji, v terénních programech pro uživatele drog, které na tomto území působí, a to pod organizací Most k naději, z. s. Teoretická část je zakončena informacemi o drogách na území Libereckého kraje, o Mostu k naději, z. s. a jeho terénních programech. Empirická část se věnuje samotnému výzkumu, jsou v ní rozebrány jeho cíle a předpoklady. Terénní programy očima jejich klientů byly zkoumány metodou polostrukturovaného rozhovoru, která je v empirické části popsána také. Čtenář je zde seznámen s jednotlivými respondenty, průběhem výzkumu, zjištěnými daty a jejich analýzou. Analýza proběhla pomocí otevřeného kódování. Výzkum byl následně shrnut, získaná data byla porovnána s předpoklady a výzkumné otázky byly s ohledem na ona získaná data zodpovězeny.
The bachelor thesis focuses on field programs for drug users and how these programs are perceived by their clients. The aim of the work is to find out and describe how clients of outreach programs perceive these programs as a whole, how they perceive outreach workers and the services provided by them. The work is divided into two parts, the theoretical part and the empirical part. The theoretical part has the task of bringing the reader closer to the issue of drugs and drug addiction, discusses outreach programs in general, then focuses on outreach programs whose target group is drug users, their principles, activities and services. This section also includes a description of the K-Centre, which also provides services for this target group. Furthermore, the theoretical part focuses on the principle of Harm Reduction and Public Health, which are the two basic building blocks of both field programs and the K-Centers. The research was carried out in the Liberec region, in field programs for drug users that operate in this area, under the organization Most k naději, z. s. and its outreach programs. The empirical part is dedicated to the research itself, its goals and assumptions are discussed in it. Outreach programs through the eyes of their clients were investigated using the semi-structured interview method, which is also described in the empirical part. Here, the reader is introduced to the individual respondents, the course of the research, the data obtained and their analysis. Analysis was conducted using open coding. The research was then summarized, the obtained data were compared with the assumptions and the research questions were answered with respect to the obtained data.
The bachelor thesis focuses on field programs for drug users and how these programs are perceived by their clients. The aim of the work is to find out and describe how clients of outreach programs perceive these programs as a whole, how they perceive outreach workers and the services provided by them. The work is divided into two parts, the theoretical part and the empirical part. The theoretical part has the task of bringing the reader closer to the issue of drugs and drug addiction, discusses outreach programs in general, then focuses on outreach programs whose target group is drug users, their principles, activities and services. This section also includes a description of the K-Centre, which also provides services for this target group. Furthermore, the theoretical part focuses on the principle of Harm Reduction and Public Health, which are the two basic building blocks of both field programs and the K-Centers. The research was carried out in the Liberec region, in field programs for drug users that operate in this area, under the organization Most k naději, z. s. and its outreach programs. The empirical part is dedicated to the research itself, its goals and assumptions are discussed in it. Outreach programs through the eyes of their clients were investigated using the semi-structured interview method, which is also described in the empirical part. Here, the reader is introduced to the individual respondents, the course of the research, the data obtained and their analysis. Analysis was conducted using open coding. The research was then summarized, the obtained data were compared with the assumptions and the research questions were answered with respect to the obtained data.
terénní programy, uživatelé drog, Harm Reduction, Public Health, Field Programmes, drug users, Harm Reduction, Public Health