Organicko-anorganické vrstvy na textilních substrátech
Title Alternative:application of inorganic-organic coatings onto the textile substrates
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá testováním vlastností anorganicko-organických hybridních vrstev připravených metodou sol-gel na textilní polyamidové materiály. Teoretická část se věnuje výrobě, vlastnostem a využití polyamidů a popisu metody sol-gel. Pozornost je zaměřena zejména na přípravu anorganicko- organických vrstev touto metodou a jejich aplikaci v textilním průmyslu. V experimentální části je uveden popis nanášení vrstev metodou sol-gel na polyamidovou tkaninu. Povrch těchto upravených materiálů byl nasnímán a vyhodnocen pomocí rastrovací elektronové mikroskopie. Dále byly studovány změny vlastností textilie s hybridní vrstvou jako například smáčivost, třecí vlastnosti a tuhost textilie. V závěru je uvedeno shrnutí a zhodnocení dosažených výsledků.
This diploma thesis is studying properties of hybrid inorganic-organic coatings applied by the sol-gel method on polyamide-based textile materials. The theoretical part contains a brief introduction to the production process of polyamide bres, their properties and applications. Futher, the sol-gel method is described and a special focus on preparation of hybrid coatings is done. Finally, practical applications of materials prepared via sol-gel method are discussed. The experimental part decribes procedures, that were performed to apply hybrid coatings on polyamide woof. Surface of such a modi ed material was studied using scanning electron microscopy and the other properties, like wettability, friction and stiffness were evaluated. The thesis concludes with an assessment of achieved results.
This diploma thesis is studying properties of hybrid inorganic-organic coatings applied by the sol-gel method on polyamide-based textile materials. The theoretical part contains a brief introduction to the production process of polyamide bres, their properties and applications. Futher, the sol-gel method is described and a special focus on preparation of hybrid coatings is done. Finally, practical applications of materials prepared via sol-gel method are discussed. The experimental part decribes procedures, that were performed to apply hybrid coatings on polyamide woof. Surface of such a modi ed material was studied using scanning electron microscopy and the other properties, like wettability, friction and stiffness were evaluated. The thesis concludes with an assessment of achieved results.
katedra: KTC; přílohy: 1x CD; rozsah: 67s.
metoda sol-gel, anorganicko-organické vrstvy, polyamidová tkanina, sol-gel method, inorganic-organic coatings, nylon woof