Title Alternative:Dyeing of special fibers by the sol gel method
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
This is a study of dyeing of special fibers using a special solvent which is believed to form a film by bonding with the surface of the glass fibers. The film formed enables the selected dyes such as the acids, disperse and cationic to adhere to the fiber surface by forming dye-film bonds on the coated fibers. The process of dyeing and coating of fiber with this solvent occurs simultaneously resulting to reasonable dye fastnesses to the fibers at the same time bright and dark shades can be obtained. The solvent used is based on the blending of 3-trimethoxysily and propylmethacrylate in combination with isopropylnol and complementary solvents (water, HCl, BPO). Positive results have been obtained in this brief study although further data may be c collected by conducting more laboratory experiments using different substrates and the TMSPM (SOL GEL) solvent.
77 s., 5 s. příl. :il., tab., grafy +CD ROM
dyeing of textile, sol-gel method, barvení textilií, metoda sol-gel