Trénink běžeckého lyžování u dětí mladšího školního věku ve dvou lyžařských oddílech
Title Alternative:Cross country skiing practice of school age children in two cross country ski clubs
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Hlavním cílem diplomové práce bylo na základě provedené analýzy formulovat návrhy úprav tréninku běžeckého lyžování u dětí mladšího školního věku ve zkoumaných oddílech. Šetření se účastnilo 68 dětí ve věku od 9 do 11 let. Ze Ski klubu Jablonec nad Nisou bylo testováno 36 dětí, ze Sportovního klubu Nové Město na Moravě 32 dětí. Výzkum proběhl za pomoci Eurofit testu. Využity byly čtyři testy výdrž ve shybu, skok z místa, lehy-sedy za třicet sekund a vytrvalostní člunkový běh. Výsledky byly následně doplněny o anketu, kterou vyplňovali svěřenci obou lyžařských klubů. Získané výsledky jsem porovnala s hodnotami naměřenými v roce 1993. Shromážděné informace a dosažené výsledky napomohly vytvořit doporučení ke zlepšení kvality tréninku v obou lyžařských klubech. U Ski klubu Jablonec nad Nisou se návrhy týkaly zapojení většího počtu tréninkových prostředků. U SK Nové Město na Moravě se veškerá doporučení týkala rozdělení skupiny na mladší a starší žactvo.
The aim of the thesis was to create the recommendations for adjustment of the cross-country skiing training for the primary school children, based on the analysis done in both ski clubs. In total there were 68 children in the age of 9 to 11 years tested. From Ski Club Jablonec nad Nisou 36 children participated in the research, from Ski Club Nové Město na Moravě 32 children. The research was done with the use of Eurofit test, where four tests were used - endurance in the chin-up, jump from place, sit-ups done in 30 seconds time and endurance run. The results were complemented by a survey, in which members from both clubs took part. The results were compared with the values measured in 1993. The information and results obtained helped in creating the recommendations for quality improvement in trainings for both clubs. At the Ski Club Jablonec the recommendations were to involve more training equipment. At the Ski Club Nové Město na Moravě all the recommendations were based on the splitting the members of the group to younger and older children.
The aim of the thesis was to create the recommendations for adjustment of the cross-country skiing training for the primary school children, based on the analysis done in both ski clubs. In total there were 68 children in the age of 9 to 11 years tested. From Ski Club Jablonec nad Nisou 36 children participated in the research, from Ski Club Nové Město na Moravě 32 children. The research was done with the use of Eurofit test, where four tests were used - endurance in the chin-up, jump from place, sit-ups done in 30 seconds time and endurance run. The results were complemented by a survey, in which members from both clubs took part. The results were compared with the values measured in 1993. The information and results obtained helped in creating the recommendations for quality improvement in trainings for both clubs. At the Ski Club Jablonec the recommendations were to involve more training equipment. At the Ski Club Nové Město na Moravě all the recommendations were based on the splitting the members of the group to younger and older children.