První notářka Evropy Anděla Kozáková-Jírová (1897 - 1986)
Title Alternative:First Woman Notary in Europe Anděla Kozáková-Jírová (1897 - 1986)
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Tato diplomová práce se zabývá životem Anděly Kozákové Jírové. Autorka přibližuje instituce, které byly s Andělou Kozákovou Jírovou spjaty, univerzitní život během let 1918 1922, kdy Anděla Kozáková Jírová na právnické fakultě studovala. Dále se autorka zabývá studiem na právnické fakultě od roku 1918 - 1945, prací nebo feministickým hnutím, uvedením žen do právnické, ale i jiné pracovní praxe. Autorka popisuje studium na právnické fakultě Karlovy univerzity, dějiny notářství, samotný život Anděly Kozákové i její činnost v ženském Spolku vysokoškolsky vzdělaných žen. Součástí diplomové práce je i rozbor díla hlavní postavy: Postavení ženy v českém právu zemském.
This dissertation is devoted to the life of Anděla Kozáková Jírová. The author describes organizations that were involved in her life as well as the college life during 1918 1922; years during which this charakter attended university. Next study life during 1918 1945. Furhermore, this study contains research of Anděla Kozáková Jírová's feminist movement to promote women in legal and other work enviroment. The author describes her studies at the Faculty of Law, Charles University; the history of notary as well as the life of Anděla Kozáková Jírová and her involvement in the Women's Association of University Educated Women. Part of this dissertation is also devoted to analysis of the main charakter: The standing of the women in the law of the Bohemia land.
This dissertation is devoted to the life of Anděla Kozáková Jírová. The author describes organizations that were involved in her life as well as the college life during 1918 1922; years during which this charakter attended university. Next study life during 1918 1945. Furhermore, this study contains research of Anděla Kozáková Jírová's feminist movement to promote women in legal and other work enviroment. The author describes her studies at the Faculty of Law, Charles University; the history of notary as well as the life of Anděla Kozáková Jírová and her involvement in the Women's Association of University Educated Women. Part of this dissertation is also devoted to analysis of the main charakter: The standing of the women in the law of the Bohemia land.