Kemping a karavaning v Libereckém kraji
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá kempingem a karavaningem v Libereckém kraji. Teoretická část práce zahrnuje popis kempingu a karavaningu. V dalších částech jsou uvedena specifika karavaningu, kategorizace kempů v České republice, národní a celosvětové asociace pro kemping a karavaning a blogy zaměřující se na tuto formu cestování. První část bakalářské práce je ukončena popisem Libereckého kraje z pohledu cestovního ruchu a dotací poskytnutých pro kemping a karavaning. Praktická část se věnuje pěti turistickým oblastem Libereckého kraje, porovnává se jejich nabídka kempů, parkovišť pro karavany, stellplatzů a míst z webu bezKempu. U každé turistické oblasti jsou uvedeny nejzajímavější turistické atraktivity. V závěru práce jsou shrnuta veškerá data, která vyplývají z analýzy, návrhy na zlepšení a vytvořená SWOT analýza.
The bachelor thesis deals with camping and caravanning in the Liberec region. The theoretical part of the work includes a description of camping and caravanning. In this part are stated the specifics of caravanning, categorization of campsites in the Czech Republic, national and global associations for camping and caravanning and blogs focusing on this form of travel. The first part of the bachelor thesis ends with a description of the Liberec region from the point of view of tourism and subsidies provided for camping and caravanning.The practical part deals with five tourist areas of the Liberec region, compares with their offer of campsites, caravan parks, stellplatz and places from the website bezKempu. In each tourist area are mentioned the most interesting tourist attractions. At the end of the work are summarized all the data from analysis, suggestions for improvement and created SWOT analysis.
The bachelor thesis deals with camping and caravanning in the Liberec region. The theoretical part of the work includes a description of camping and caravanning. In this part are stated the specifics of caravanning, categorization of campsites in the Czech Republic, national and global associations for camping and caravanning and blogs focusing on this form of travel. The first part of the bachelor thesis ends with a description of the Liberec region from the point of view of tourism and subsidies provided for camping and caravanning.The practical part deals with five tourist areas of the Liberec region, compares with their offer of campsites, caravan parks, stellplatz and places from the website bezKempu. In each tourist area are mentioned the most interesting tourist attractions. At the end of the work are summarized all the data from analysis, suggestions for improvement and created SWOT analysis.
asociace, blogy, cestovní ruch, karavaning, kategorizace kempů, kemping, Liberecký kraj, specifické formy, specifika karavaningu, association, blogs, camping, caravanning, categorization of campsites, Liberec region, specific forms, specifics of caravanning, tourism