Draci a jejich pojetí
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Cílem mé práce je ukázat, jak lze uchopit jedno téma a zapracovat jej do výuky po celý školní rok. Cílová skupina jsou žáci 1.stupně.Není jednoduché vybrat téma, které by zaujalo všechny žáky. Proto zjišťuji zájmy dětí, opírám se o jejich možnosti a schopnosti. Následně se snažím zařadit téma do všech výukových oblastí, probudit u dětí zájem o vyhledávání informací, tvůrčí činnost, zájem o literaturu a ukázat, jak širokou škálu materiálů můžeme k této práci využít.V teoretické části se zaměřuji na historii týkající se draků, dále pak na materiální a výrobní možnosti.V praktické části již představuji konkrétní náměty s návody, jak s dílem dále pracovat. Součástí je fotodokumentace zrealizovaných prací.
The aim of my work is to show how one topic can be used in the lessons throughout an entire school year. The target group are pupils from lower primary school. It is not easy to choose a topic that all of the students would be interested in. That is why I get to know the kids interests and also have in mind their opportunities and abilities. After wards I am trying to include the topic into the full field of their study as well as engage children's interest in searching informations, their creative activity and interest in literature. Also I want to show how big range of materials can be used for this kind of work. In the theoretical part I am focusing on history of dragons more over their material and producing possibilities. In the practical part I am introducing specific topics along with tutorials about how to continue with work on the dragons. There is also included fotodocumentation of already finished pieces.
The aim of my work is to show how one topic can be used in the lessons throughout an entire school year. The target group are pupils from lower primary school. It is not easy to choose a topic that all of the students would be interested in. That is why I get to know the kids interests and also have in mind their opportunities and abilities. After wards I am trying to include the topic into the full field of their study as well as engage children's interest in searching informations, their creative activity and interest in literature. Also I want to show how big range of materials can be used for this kind of work. In the theoretical part I am focusing on history of dragons more over their material and producing possibilities. In the practical part I am introducing specific topics along with tutorials about how to continue with work on the dragons. There is also included fotodocumentation of already finished pieces.
pracovní činnosti, výtvarná výchova, výtvarné techniky, výtvarný materiál, papír, drak, work, art education, art techniques, art material, paper, dragon