Závislost na nealkoholových drogách a trestná činnost
Title Alternative:Non-Alcoholic-Drug Addiction and Delinquency
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Bakalářská práce se zabývala problematikou závislosti na nealkoholových látkách v souvislosti s drogovou kriminalitou a vycházela z případů řešených Okresním soudem v České Lípě v letech 2003 až 2007. Cílem práce bylo zjistit, jaké trestné činnosti se dopouští uživatelé drog, jaká je jejich věková struktura, jaký je poměr mezi muži a ženami a jaký trest je nejčastěji uložen. Práci tvořily dvě stěžejní oblasti. Jednalo se o část teoretickou, která specifikovala nealkoholové drogy včetně jejich charakteristiky, vznik, průběh a důsledky závislosti na drogách, pojednala o drogové kriminalitě a související legislativě a část práce byla věnována preventivní činnosti. Praktická část zjišťovala pomocí studia spisové dokumentace údaje o pravomocně odsouzených pachatelích pro trestné činy nedovolené výroby a držení omamných a psychotropních látek a jedů za zkoumané roky 2003 až 2007. Výsledky ukazovaly, že trestné činnosti v souvislosti s výrobou a distribucí drog se dopouští ve značné převaze muži, nejvíce jsou zastoupeni pachatelé ve věku od 21 do 30 let, kteří se dopouští další trestné činnosti a to nejvíce krádeží. Nejčastěji ukládaným trestem je nepodmíněný trest odnětí svobody. Výsledky vyústily v navrhovaná opatření v oblasti protidrogové prevence, v systému distribuce léků, zneužívaných k výrobě drog, v oblasti trestní politiky, užší spolupráce soudů s probační a mediační službou a individuálního přístupu k drogově závislým odsouzeným ve výkonu trestu. Očekávaným přínosem vzhledem k řešené problematice je novela trestního zákona v oblasti drogové kriminality, neboť lze očekávat, že sankce z ní vyplývající budou mít pozitivní dopad na snížení drogové kriminality.
This bachelor thesis is concerned with the topic ``Addiction to Drugs without Alcohol Content Related to the Drug Criminality{\crqq} and proceeds from cases decided in District Court in Česká Lípa in the period 2003 to 2007. The objective of the thesis was to find out which criminal acts are committed by drug addicts, what the age structure of this group of persons is, what the proportion between men and women is and which sentences are passed most often. The thesis is based on two main parts - theoretical and practical one. The first part is theoretical. Drugs without alcohol content are specified here including their definition; origin, progress and consequences of the drug addiction are described and the drug criminality and related legislative is approached here. In this theoretical part preventive activities are considered as well. In the practical part data on offenders who were sentenced legally valid for criminal acts ``Illegal Production and Possession of Narcotic and Psychotropic Drugs and Toxins{\crqq} were found out with help of official records in the period of research 2003 to 2007. The results show that criminal acts related to drug production and distribution are committed mainly by men. The most cases were committed by offenders aged between 21 and 30 years who commit other criminal acts as well especially larceny. The sentence which is passed most often is the unsuspended sentence of imprisonment. The outputs of the thesis have resulted in suggested preventive anti-drug measures, in a distribution system of medicaments which are misused for drug production, in penal policy and in a closer cooperation between probation and mediation officers and individual approach to drug addicts who started the execution of sentence. The expected contribution - regarding the covered topic - is the amendment of the penal law in articles which rule the drug criminality because it may be assumed that sanctions resulting from this amendment will have a positive impact on the drug criminality reduction.
This bachelor thesis is concerned with the topic ``Addiction to Drugs without Alcohol Content Related to the Drug Criminality{\crqq} and proceeds from cases decided in District Court in Česká Lípa in the period 2003 to 2007. The objective of the thesis was to find out which criminal acts are committed by drug addicts, what the age structure of this group of persons is, what the proportion between men and women is and which sentences are passed most often. The thesis is based on two main parts - theoretical and practical one. The first part is theoretical. Drugs without alcohol content are specified here including their definition; origin, progress and consequences of the drug addiction are described and the drug criminality and related legislative is approached here. In this theoretical part preventive activities are considered as well. In the practical part data on offenders who were sentenced legally valid for criminal acts ``Illegal Production and Possession of Narcotic and Psychotropic Drugs and Toxins{\crqq} were found out with help of official records in the period of research 2003 to 2007. The results show that criminal acts related to drug production and distribution are committed mainly by men. The most cases were committed by offenders aged between 21 and 30 years who commit other criminal acts as well especially larceny. The sentence which is passed most often is the unsuspended sentence of imprisonment. The outputs of the thesis have resulted in suggested preventive anti-drug measures, in a distribution system of medicaments which are misused for drug production, in penal policy and in a closer cooperation between probation and mediation officers and individual approach to drug addicts who started the execution of sentence. The expected contribution - regarding the covered topic - is the amendment of the penal law in articles which rule the drug criminality because it may be assumed that sanctions resulting from this amendment will have a positive impact on the drug criminality reduction.
katedra: KSS; přílohy: 1 CD; rozsah: 79
drogy, závislost, uživatel, prevence, kriminalita, pachatelé trestné činnosti, dokumentace, výroba a distribuce drog, drugs, addiction, drug addicts, prevention, criminality, committers of criminal acts, records, drug production and distribution