Sochař Michael Bílek
Title Alternative:Sculptor Michael Bílek
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Cílem této bakalářské práce bylo popsat život a dílo sochaře Michaela Bílka (1942-2015). Práce byla rozdělena podle jednotlivých životních etap, ve kterých se postupně prolínala a vyvíjela sochařova tvorba. Michael Bílek si zvolil jako stěžejní materiál dřevo. Ve spojení s realistickým figurálním uměním se jeho tvorba stala něčím neobvyklým v kontextu moderního umění. Důležitou součástí práce bylo zhotovení katalogu díla a seznamu výstav. Práci ještě doplnila obrazová dokumentace z Bílkova života.
A goal of this bachelor thesis was describe life and work of sculpturer Michael Bílek (1942-2015). Bacelor thesis was split according to his life stages, where was evolving his work. Michael Bílek chose a wood as a main material for his sculptures. Together with realist figure art became his work something unusual in the context of modern art. Important part of this work is catalogue of his sculptures and exhibitions. To fill this work was used picture documentation from Bílek's life.
A goal of this bachelor thesis was describe life and work of sculpturer Michael Bílek (1942-2015). Bacelor thesis was split according to his life stages, where was evolving his work. Michael Bílek chose a wood as a main material for his sculptures. Together with realist figure art became his work something unusual in the context of modern art. Important part of this work is catalogue of his sculptures and exhibitions. To fill this work was used picture documentation from Bílek's life.