Aplikace Lean Six Sigma ve vybraném podniku
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Předmětem diplomové práce je aplikace metodiky Lean Six Sigma na vybraný projekt vespolečnosti DuPont, která své výrobky dodává do firem z různých odvětví průmyslu pocelém světě. Více než polovina objednávek podniku směřuje do automotive. Cílemdiplomové práce je pomocí metod štíhlé výroby zefektivnit proces výroby heatsinků zaúčelem snížení zmetkovitosti. Rešeršní část práce je věnována definicím základních metodik Lean Six Sigma a řízení kvality. V analytické části je úvodem analýza současného stavu výrobního procesu. Na základě použitých nástrojů Lean Six Sigma jsou zefektivněny výrobní postupy a nalezeny příčiny zmetkovitosti. Díky následnému navržení a aplikaci nápravných opatření došlo ke zvýšení kvality a optimalizaci procesu. Závěrečná část diplomové práce shrnuje výsledky, kterých projektový tým dosáhl.
The topic of the diploma thesis is the application of the Lean Six Sigma method in a chosen project utilized by the DuPont company, which has customers in various industry branches all around the globe. More than half of the company's products is meant for the automotive industry. The aim of the thesis is to improve the effectiveness of heatsink production by the use of lean methods, which should secure lower scrap rates. The theoretical part of the thesis will focus on defining the basic Lean Six Sigma methods and quality control. In the introduction part of the study, the current state of the manufacturing process is analysed. Then, the main causes for current scrap rates are discovered and the whole process is mademore effective by using the tools of Lean Six Sigma method. To improve quality, corrective solutions are proposed and applied to optimize the process. The final part of the thesis summarizes the findings and results of the entire research team.
The topic of the diploma thesis is the application of the Lean Six Sigma method in a chosen project utilized by the DuPont company, which has customers in various industry branches all around the globe. More than half of the company's products is meant for the automotive industry. The aim of the thesis is to improve the effectiveness of heatsink production by the use of lean methods, which should secure lower scrap rates. The theoretical part of the thesis will focus on defining the basic Lean Six Sigma methods and quality control. In the introduction part of the study, the current state of the manufacturing process is analysed. Then, the main causes for current scrap rates are discovered and the whole process is mademore effective by using the tools of Lean Six Sigma method. To improve quality, corrective solutions are proposed and applied to optimize the process. The final part of the thesis summarizes the findings and results of the entire research team.
ANOVA, Design of Experiments, Lean management, proces, R&R analýza, Six Sigma, ANOVA, Design of Experiments, Gage R&R, Lean management, process, Six Sigma