Diagnostika motorické výkonnosti ve florbalu u hráčů školního věku z klubu FBC Liberec
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Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce je realizovat diagnostiku motorické výkonnosti ve florbalu u žákovských, dorosteneckých a juniorských hráčů z klubu FBC Liberec. Měření se zúčastnilo celkem 39 hráčů z klubu FBC Liberec. Na měření byly využity testy od Českého florbalu. Z jejich testové sestavy byly vybrány 3 kondiční a 4 technické testy. Testování se porovnávalo s normami vydanými Českým florbalem a při porovnání dosahovali starší žáci i dorostenci celkově, kromě jednoho testu, průměrných nebo nadprůměrných výsledků. Jediným testem, který byl podprůměrný, tak byl test na střelbu. U testů na střelbu bych však doporučil pozměnit brankáře plachtu, který se ne v každém klub nachází stejný. Porovnání s normami je pak složité. Nejhorším testem podle mě byl skok z místa, z tohoto důvodu bych trenérům doporučil zaměřit se na explozivní sílu dolních končetin. Výsledky budou dodánytrenérům jednotlivých kategorií, aby věděli, na co se v tréninku případně zaměřit.
The main purpose of this bachelor thesis was to diagnose motoric performance infloorball for pupils, teenage and junior players from the club FBC Liberec. A total of 39 players from the club FBC Liberec took part in the measurement. Tests from Czech floorball were used for the measurements. Totally 3 fitness and 4 technical tests were selected from their test set. The testing was compared with the standards issued by Czech floorball, in the comparison older pupils and teenagers achieved, except one test, on average or above-average results. The only test that was below average was the shooting test. For shooting tests, I would recommend changing the goalkeeper sail, which is not the same in every club. Comparison with standards is then difficult. The worst test in my opinion was a jump from the place, for this reason I would recommend the trainers to focus on the explosive power of the lowerlimbs. The results will be delivered to the coaches of the individual categories so they would know what to focus on in the training.
The main purpose of this bachelor thesis was to diagnose motoric performance infloorball for pupils, teenage and junior players from the club FBC Liberec. A total of 39 players from the club FBC Liberec took part in the measurement. Tests from Czech floorball were used for the measurements. Totally 3 fitness and 4 technical tests were selected from their test set. The testing was compared with the standards issued by Czech floorball, in the comparison older pupils and teenagers achieved, except one test, on average or above-average results. The only test that was below average was the shooting test. For shooting tests, I would recommend changing the goalkeeper sail, which is not the same in every club. Comparison with standards is then difficult. The worst test in my opinion was a jump from the place, for this reason I would recommend the trainers to focus on the explosive power of the lowerlimbs. The results will be delivered to the coaches of the individual categories so they would know what to focus on in the training.
florbal, sportovní výkon, testování, FBC Liberec, motorické dovednosti, floorball, sports performance, testing, FBC Liberec, motor skills