Drogové zkušenosti žáků na základní škole
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Bakalářská práce je rozdělena na dvě části. První část se zaměřuje na teoreticképoznatky. Obsahuje charakteristiku období dospívání, obecnou charakteristiku vybraných drog a jejich historii, popis příčin vzniku závislosti na drogách, popis vývoje závislosti na drogách, faktory snižující rizika vzniku závislosti, dále na popis primární prevence ve školách. Druhá, praktická část práce je zaměřena na data získané z dotazníkového šetření. Dotazník je zaměřený na zjištění osobních zkušeností respondentů s vybranými drogami. Také na znalosti respondentů z oblasti drogové problematiky. Výzkum je prováděn na nejmenované škole. Velikost zkoumaného vzorku je 65.
The bachelor thesis is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on theoretical knowledge. It contains the characteristics of the period of adolescence, general characteristics of selected drugs and their history, a description of the causes of drug addiction, a description of the development of drug addiction, factors reduce the risk of addiction, and a description of primary prevention in schools. The second, practical part of the work is focused on the data obtained from the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire is focused on finding out the personal experiences of respondents with selected drugs. Also on the knowledge of respondents in the field of drugs issues. The research is carried out at an unnamed school. The size of the examined sample is 65.
The bachelor thesis is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on theoretical knowledge. It contains the characteristics of the period of adolescence, general characteristics of selected drugs and their history, a description of the causes of drug addiction, a description of the development of drug addiction, factors reduce the risk of addiction, and a description of primary prevention in schools. The second, practical part of the work is focused on the data obtained from the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire is focused on finding out the personal experiences of respondents with selected drugs. Also on the knowledge of respondents in the field of drugs issues. The research is carried out at an unnamed school. The size of the examined sample is 65.
dospívající, drogová prevence, drogy, primární prevence, závislost, addiction, adolescents, drug prevention, drugs, primary prevention