Problémy současné teorie firmy
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci,
Současná "univerzitní" mikroekonomie představuje stabilní a konzistentní celek. Konzistentnost je představována solidním propracováním základních témat mikroekonomické analýzy, jako jsou chování spotřebitele, teorie firmy, analýza trhů výrobních faktorů a problematika všeobecné rovnováhy včetně tržních selhání. Analýza řeší všechny reálné mikroekonomické problémy. Moderní mikroekonomie je postavena na anglické a švýcarské škole (neoklasické mikroekonomii). Paradigmata těchto škol obstála celé století. Na pozadí této "zázračné" stability (ve srovnání s moderní makroekonomií) je přesné matematické myšlení moderní mikroekonomie. Nebezpečím v budoucnosti je rozpor reality a učebnicové teorie. Matematická metoda je přesná, ale jí popisovaná realita začíná být odlišná. Fundamentálně by mohla být ohrožena především teorie firmy. A právě závěry teorie firmy jsou pro podnikovou ekonomiku signifikantní. Disertační práce má za cíl nalezení odpovědí na následující problémy: - Jaké je prostředí současné firmy na rozdíl od {\clqq}učebnicové firmy``? - Je tato diskrepance významná a mohla by vést k chybným závěrům? - Trpí moderní mikroekonomická analýza absencí některých fenoménů změněného podnikového prostředí? - Nabízí alternativní teorie reálnější odpovědi pro teorii firmy a mohou nahradit neoklasickou teorii? Pro disertační práci je formulována hypotéza, že neoklasická teorie firmy tak, jak je reprezentována v moderních učebnicích mikroekonomie, i přes dramatickou změnu podnikového prostředí, dává správné odpovědi týkající se chování firem.
Current mainstream microeconomics is a stable and integrated science. Its integrity is achieved by its coverage of all microeconomic topics, such as Consumer Theory, Firm Theory, Production Factors Markets, and General Equilibrium including Market Failure. Microeconomic science provides an answer to all current microeconomic problems. Contemporary microeconomics builds on the Swiss and Cambridge Schools (Neoclassical Microeconomics). Paradigms of those schools have not been questioned for the whole century. Mathematics in modern microeconomics stands behind its ``miraculous{\crqq} stability, compared to contemporary macroeconomics. A disharmony between reality and university textbooks represents a danger for microeconomics in the future. Mathematical methods are precise; however, the described reality starts to be different. Fundamentally, this could mean Firm Theory would be threatened. And it is the results of Firm Theory that are crucial for business administration. The doctoral thesis focuses on answering the following questions: - How does the business environment of modern firms differ from Neoclassical firm provided in textbooks? - Is this disharmony between reality and theory significant and could it therefore result in incorrect conclusions? - Does contemporary microeconomics analysis suffer from the absence of new business environment phenomena? - Do alternative theories offer more realistic answers and could they be a substitution for the Neoclassical Firm Theory? The thesis works with the hypothesis that the Neoclassical Firm Theory, as presented in modern microeconomics books, no matter how dramatically the business environment has changed, gives the correct answers relevant for a firm´s behaviour.
Current mainstream microeconomics is a stable and integrated science. Its integrity is achieved by its coverage of all microeconomic topics, such as Consumer Theory, Firm Theory, Production Factors Markets, and General Equilibrium including Market Failure. Microeconomic science provides an answer to all current microeconomic problems. Contemporary microeconomics builds on the Swiss and Cambridge Schools (Neoclassical Microeconomics). Paradigms of those schools have not been questioned for the whole century. Mathematics in modern microeconomics stands behind its ``miraculous{\crqq} stability, compared to contemporary macroeconomics. A disharmony between reality and university textbooks represents a danger for microeconomics in the future. Mathematical methods are precise; however, the described reality starts to be different. Fundamentally, this could mean Firm Theory would be threatened. And it is the results of Firm Theory that are crucial for business administration. The doctoral thesis focuses on answering the following questions: - How does the business environment of modern firms differ from Neoclassical firm provided in textbooks? - Is this disharmony between reality and theory significant and could it therefore result in incorrect conclusions? - Does contemporary microeconomics analysis suffer from the absence of new business environment phenomena? - Do alternative theories offer more realistic answers and could they be a substitution for the Neoclassical Firm Theory? The thesis works with the hypothesis that the Neoclassical Firm Theory, as presented in modern microeconomics books, no matter how dramatically the business environment has changed, gives the correct answers relevant for a firm´s behaviour.