Vztah mezi porositou tkaniny a její propustností pro vzduch a vodní páry
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Tato předkládaná diplomová práce se zabývá vztahy konstrukčních parametrů tkanin a její propustností pro vzduch a vodní páry. Cílem je nalezení konstrukčních parametrů tkanin, které mají vliv na prodyšnost tkanin a propustnost pro vodní páry a jejich porovnání.Teoretická část se zabývá konstrukčními parametry, které mají vliv na prodyšnost tkanin a paropropustnost tkanin. Značná pozornost je věnována porositě a jejímu vlivu na tyto parametry. V diplomové práci byly zmapovány vědecké studie, které se zabývaly problematikou prodyšnosti tkanin a prostupu vodních par skrz textilii.V experimentální části je věnována pozornost vlivu konstrukčních parametrů tkanin na prodyšnost a paropropustnost před vypráním a po vyprání tkanin. Byla zjišťována nerovnoměrnost paropropustnosti tkanin v ploše a porovnávána s nerovnoměrností prodyšnosti tkanin v ploše.
This thesis deals with the relationships of the constructional parameters of fabric and its permeability to air and water vapor permeability. Goal is to find the constructional parameters of fabrics, which have influence on the air permeability of woven fabrics, and permeability to water vapor of woven fabrics and their comparison. The theoretical part deals with the constructional parameters which have influence on the air permeability of the fabrics and the water vapor permeability of the fabrics. Considerable attention is paid to the porosity and its effect on these parameters. On have been mapped to scientific work, which discussed the issue of the air permeability of woven fabrics and the transport of the water vzpour permeability through woven fabric. In the experimental part of the attention is paid to the influence of the constructional parameters of woven fabrics on air permeability and water vapor permeability before washing and after washing of the fabrics. It was further clarified irregularities water vapor permeability the fabric in the area and matched with irregularities air permeability of the fabric in the area.
This thesis deals with the relationships of the constructional parameters of fabric and its permeability to air and water vapor permeability. Goal is to find the constructional parameters of fabrics, which have influence on the air permeability of woven fabrics, and permeability to water vapor of woven fabrics and their comparison. The theoretical part deals with the constructional parameters which have influence on the air permeability of the fabrics and the water vapor permeability of the fabrics. Considerable attention is paid to the porosity and its effect on these parameters. On have been mapped to scientific work, which discussed the issue of the air permeability of woven fabrics and the transport of the water vzpour permeability through woven fabric. In the experimental part of the attention is paid to the influence of the constructional parameters of woven fabrics on air permeability and water vapor permeability before washing and after washing of the fabrics. It was further clarified irregularities water vapor permeability the fabric in the area and matched with irregularities air permeability of the fabric in the area.
tkanina, porosita, propustnost pro vodní páry, prodyšnost, nerovnoměrnost, woven fabric, porosity, water vapor permeability, air permeability, irregularities