Konkurenceschopnost decentralizované autonomní organizace
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou decentralizovaných autonomních organizací, a porovnává je z hlediska jejich konkurenceschopnosti v tržním prostředí. Práce je rozdělena na pět základních částí. V první je vymezen výzkumný problém, tedy otázka konkurenceschopnosti decentralizované autonomní organizace a základní otázky, na které by práce měla najít odpovědi. V druhé jsou vysvětleny základní pojmy jako ethereum, kryptoměny, decentralizované autonomní organizace, právnické osoby a další. Ve třetí je blíže vysvětlena decentralizovaná autonomní organizace z hlediska potenciálu na internetu a v reálném světě. Ve čtvrté části se nachází případová studie konkrétní decentralizované autonomní organizace uniswap v2 DAO a porovnání s veřejně obchodovatelnou společností Coinbase Inc., která nabízí stejnou službu centralizovaným způsobem. A v poslední, páté části, se nachází konečné vyhodnocení a zodpovězení otázek položených v první části práce.
thesis captures and describes the issue of decentralized autonomous organizations, focusing especially on their competitive capacities in an environment of common legal persons. The thesis is divided into five main parts. The first part defines the research problem itself the question of the competitiveness of the decentralized autonomous organization. This part also enunciates the most important research-related questions, to which we should find answers in the thesis summary. The second part explains basic terms such as ethereum, cryptocurrencies, decentralized autonomous organizations, legal persons and others. Part three describes full concept of a decentralized autonomous organization in terms of its net potential along with its real-life potential. In the fourth part, specific case studies of decentralized autonomous organization uniswap v2 DAO are shown. Case studies are followed by a comparison of DAO service with an identical service provided in centralized way by a legal person. Finally, in the fifth part, there is the overall evaluation of the project along with answers to questions enunciated in the first part of the thesis.
thesis captures and describes the issue of decentralized autonomous organizations, focusing especially on their competitive capacities in an environment of common legal persons. The thesis is divided into five main parts. The first part defines the research problem itself the question of the competitiveness of the decentralized autonomous organization. This part also enunciates the most important research-related questions, to which we should find answers in the thesis summary. The second part explains basic terms such as ethereum, cryptocurrencies, decentralized autonomous organizations, legal persons and others. Part three describes full concept of a decentralized autonomous organization in terms of its net potential along with its real-life potential. In the fourth part, specific case studies of decentralized autonomous organization uniswap v2 DAO are shown. Case studies are followed by a comparison of DAO service with an identical service provided in centralized way by a legal person. Finally, in the fifth part, there is the overall evaluation of the project along with answers to questions enunciated in the first part of the thesis.
Ethereum, bitcoin, kryptoměny, legislativa, DAO, decentralizace, konkurenceschopnost, odolnost vůči cenzuře, uniswap, právnické osoby, Ethereum, bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, legislation, DAO, decentralization, competitiveness, censorship resistance, uniswap, legal person/s