Využití a distribuce softwaru pro vzorkování tkanin
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Tato bakalářská práce se týká nového softwaru pro vzorování tkanin, který byl vymyšlen na TUL v Liberci. Nejprve byl marketingovým průzkumem zjištěn zájem o tento produkt. Software byl nabízen na středních a vyšších školách v České republice. Cílem této bakalářské práce bylo tedy nabídnout nový produkt a tím zvýšit zájem o studium na FT TUL mezi středoškoláky a popularizovat FT TUL. Dále byly navrhnuty vhodné způsoby propagace a nalezeny vhodné distribuční cesty pro software. Jako poslední bod práce bylo zavedení nového produktu na trh.
This baccalaureate work is concerned have new software for patterned fabrics that the was illusional on TUL in Liberec. First was marketing inquiry ascertained interest in this product. Software was offered on middle and highers schools in Czech republic. Aim those baccalaureate work was then offer new product thereby heighten interest in study on FT TUL among secondary schools education and popularize FT TUL. Further was suggested appropriate manner publicity and found fit channels of distribution for software. Last point work was introduction new product on market.
This baccalaureate work is concerned have new software for patterned fabrics that the was illusional on TUL in Liberec. First was marketing inquiry ascertained interest in this product. Software was offered on middle and highers schools in Czech republic. Aim those baccalaureate work was then offer new product thereby heighten interest in study on FT TUL among secondary schools education and popularize FT TUL. Further was suggested appropriate manner publicity and found fit channels of distribution for software. Last point work was introduction new product on market.
katedra: KHT; rozsah: 40 s, 16 s. obr. příloh
produkt, technická univerzita v liberci, marketingový průzkum, propagace a, distribuce, trh, konkurence, product, technical university of liberec, marketing survey, publicity and distribution, market, competition