Hodnocení výkonnostně orientované zdatnosti ve volejbale
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Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce bylo hodnocení výkonnostně orientované zdatnosti ve volejbale u dětí v kategorii starších žáků (11 až 15 let) pomocí nově sestavené testové baterie. Výběr testů probíhal na základě syntézy poznatků o tělesné zdatnosti a individuálních herních činnostech. Některé testy pro obecnou výkonnost byly vybrány z testové baterie INDARES nebo z testů, které využívá ČVS pro výběr nejlepších hráček z krajů v celé republice. Testy pro hodnocení specifických volejbalových dovedností byly vybrány z diplomové práce od Američanky Donetty J. Cothran (1992). Používané testy mají původ u americké aliance AAHPER. Tímto výběrem byla vytvořena komplexní baterie, která v České republice, podle mého názoru, doposud chyběla. I samotný volejbalový svaz totiž ve svém testování pro výběr hráček, o kterém se zmiňuji již výše, veškeré specifické volejbalové dovednosti opomíjí. Funkčnost testové baterie byla ověřena na deseti hráčkách z oddílu TJ Turnov. Ve výsledném hodnocení se v porovnání s normami INDARESU a UNIFITTESTU celý tým pohyboval v průměrných nebo nadprůměrných hodnotách. Nejhorších výsledků dosáhly dívky v klicích. Tyto a další poznatky z testování jsou interpretovány do praktických doporučení pro trenéry a pedagogy v závěru práce.
Using a newly created test battery, the main goal of this bachelor thesis was to evaluate performance-related volleyball fitness in a group of players aged 11 to 15. All the tests were selected after a knowledge-based synthesis of body fitness and individual volleyball skills. Some of the tests focused on general fitness were chosen from the internet test battery IN-DARES, other tests are used by the Czech Volleyball Federation to select talented players in regions of our country. The specific volleyball skill tests, which originate in American Asso-ciation for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (AAHPER), were chosen from a di-ploma thesis of American Donetty J. Cothran (1992). In this way the created complex test battery is in my opinion unique and missing in the Czech republic so far because the Czech Volleyball Federation in its already mentioned selection of talents has been neglecting the level of individual volleyball skills. The functionality of this test battery was verified in a group of ten girl-players from the volleyball club of TJ Turnov. According to INDARES and UNIFITTEST norms, the whole team reached average and above-average results. The worst results were reached in the test of push-ups. Finally, all the results and findings of this thesis were interpreted as practical recommendations for coaches and teachers.
Using a newly created test battery, the main goal of this bachelor thesis was to evaluate performance-related volleyball fitness in a group of players aged 11 to 15. All the tests were selected after a knowledge-based synthesis of body fitness and individual volleyball skills. Some of the tests focused on general fitness were chosen from the internet test battery IN-DARES, other tests are used by the Czech Volleyball Federation to select talented players in regions of our country. The specific volleyball skill tests, which originate in American Asso-ciation for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (AAHPER), were chosen from a di-ploma thesis of American Donetty J. Cothran (1992). In this way the created complex test battery is in my opinion unique and missing in the Czech republic so far because the Czech Volleyball Federation in its already mentioned selection of talents has been neglecting the level of individual volleyball skills. The functionality of this test battery was verified in a group of ten girl-players from the volleyball club of TJ Turnov. According to INDARES and UNIFITTEST norms, the whole team reached average and above-average results. The worst results were reached in the test of push-ups. Finally, all the results and findings of this thesis were interpreted as practical recommendations for coaches and teachers.
volejbal, herní činnosti jednotlivce, pohybové schopnosti a dovednosti, testová baterie, volleyball, individual volleyball skills, physical abilities and skills, test battery