The Use of Tenses in English Newspapers with the Focus on the Present Perfect Tense
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Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá výskytem a použitím předpřítomných časů v porovnání s minulými časy v anglicky psaném tisku. Za tímto účelem byly vybrány dva novinové články s podobným tématem a přibližně stejnou délkou, tak, aby se daly srovnávat. Jeden ze článků se nachází v britských novinách the Guardian a ten druhý v amerických novinách the New York Times. Z novinových článků byly vybrány jednotlivé výskyty časů, ke kterým se poté přiřazovalo jejich použití podle kategorií uvedených ve vybraných gramatikách anglického jazyka. Cílem bylo najít výskyty časů, jejichž použití neodpovídají použitím těchto časů uvedeným v anglických gramatikách. Rovněž se zjišťovalo, zdali se v americkém článku vyskytly minulé časy v kontextech, kde by se očekávaly podle anglických gramatik spíše předpřítomné časy. Výsledky zkoumání nezaznamenaly velké rozdíly mezi použitím časů v článcích a jejich použitím v anglických gramatikách.
This bachelor thesis studies the occurrence and the uses of the present perfect tenses in comparison with the past tenses in the English press. Two newspaper articles with a similar topic and approximately the same length were chosen for this purpose so that it would be possible to compare them. One of the articles is in a British newspaper called the Guardian and the other is in an American newspaper called the New York Times. Individual occurrences were collected from the newspaper articles and matched with their uses according to the categories listed in the selected English grammar books. The aim was to find the occurrences of the tenses whose uses do not correspond with the uses of these tenses listed in the English grammar books. It was also investigated whether the past tenses occurred in the American article in the contexts where the present perfect tenses are rather expected according to the English grammar books. The results of the investigation did not detect any major differences between the uses of the tenses in the articles and the uses in the English grammar books.
This bachelor thesis studies the occurrence and the uses of the present perfect tenses in comparison with the past tenses in the English press. Two newspaper articles with a similar topic and approximately the same length were chosen for this purpose so that it would be possible to compare them. One of the articles is in a British newspaper called the Guardian and the other is in an American newspaper called the New York Times. Individual occurrences were collected from the newspaper articles and matched with their uses according to the categories listed in the selected English grammar books. The aim was to find the occurrences of the tenses whose uses do not correspond with the uses of these tenses listed in the English grammar books. It was also investigated whether the past tenses occurred in the American article in the contexts where the present perfect tenses are rather expected according to the English grammar books. The results of the investigation did not detect any major differences between the uses of the tenses in the articles and the uses in the English grammar books.
předpřítomné časy, minulé časy, výskyt časů, použití časů, novinové články, The Guardian, The New York Times, present perfect tenses, past tenses, occurrence of tenses, uses of tenses, newspaper articles, The Guardian, The New York Times