Volnočasový program pro děti s ADHD mladšího školního věku
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Cílem této bakalářské práce je zvolení vhodného volnočasového programu pro děti s ADHD mladšího školního věku, tedy děti základní školy 1. stupně. Zároveň pomoci dětem trpící touto poruchou se lépe adaptovat a socializovat se se svými vrstevníky.
Popisuji zde vývoj dítěte a základní pojmy jako je ADHD (porucha pozornosti s hyperaktivitou, z anglického Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) a volný čas. Dále pak zde zmiňuji další přidružené nemoci, se kterými lze ADHD jednoduše zaměnit. V práci také zmiňuji volnočasové organizace, které jsou díky svému zaměření a aktivitám vhodné pro tyto jedince.
The purpose of this bachelor study focuses on developing leisure program that support primary school with ADHD children in overcoming barriers in learning and social relationships. At the same time, to help children suffering from this disorder to better adapt and socialize with their peers. In this thesis I describe the child's development and basic terms such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and leisure time. I also mention other associated diseases with which ADHD can be easily mistaken. In my work, I also mention leisure organizations that are suitable for children suffering from this disorder due to their focus and activities.
The purpose of this bachelor study focuses on developing leisure program that support primary school with ADHD children in overcoming barriers in learning and social relationships. At the same time, to help children suffering from this disorder to better adapt and socialize with their peers. In this thesis I describe the child's development and basic terms such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and leisure time. I also mention other associated diseases with which ADHD can be easily mistaken. In my work, I also mention leisure organizations that are suitable for children suffering from this disorder due to their focus and activities.
ADHD, děti, mladší školní věk, volnočasový program, volný čas