Netkané textilie s obsahem koňské srsti
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Cílem této bakalářské práce je prozkoumat problematiku zpracování zvířecích srstí, které nejsou běžně zpracovávané v textilním průmyslu. Hlavní důraz je kladen na vlastnosti koňské srsti. Dále je navrhnut postup výroby netkané textilie s obsahem vláken z koňské srsti. Jsou vyrobeny vzorky textilií podle navrženého postupu. Na vyrobených vzorcích netkaných textilií s obsahem koňské srsti o různé objemové hmotnosti jsou měřeny vybrané vlastnosti. Výsledky měření jsou zaznamenány a zpracovány.
This bachelor thesis aims to examine the issue of processing of animal furs which are commonly processed by the textile industry. Main focus is given to horse fur and it's attributes. Additionally a prodecure of production of nonwoven textile with horse fur content is designed and textile samples are then produced accordingly. The products containing different volume contents of horse fur are then submitted to selected measurements. Outcomes of said measurements are recorded and proccessed.
This bachelor thesis aims to examine the issue of processing of animal furs which are commonly processed by the textile industry. Main focus is given to horse fur and it's attributes. Additionally a prodecure of production of nonwoven textile with horse fur content is designed and textile samples are then produced accordingly. The products containing different volume contents of horse fur are then submitted to selected measurements. Outcomes of said measurements are recorded and proccessed.
koňská srst, netkaná textilie, horse fur, nonwoven textile