Kombinace elektricky zvlákněných materiálů a hydrogelů
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Hlavním cílem této diplomové práce je tvorba a základní testování materiálu složeného z hydrogelu a elektrostaticky zvlákněných vláken. Pro tvorbu vláken byla použita metoda elektrostatického zvlákňování do kapaliny, a vodný roztok, do kterého byla vlákna zvlákňována, byl v druhém kroku, spolu s vlákny uvnitř, fyzikálně síťován pro získání hydrogelu. Vlákna jsou do hydrogelů přidávána zejména pro aplikaci v medicíně pro tvorbu nosičů buněk, tzv. scaffoldů, nebo krytů ran. Jejich přítomnost v hydrogelu zlepšuje mechanickou odolnost, ale také zvyšuje adhezi buněk a umožňuje jejich lepší migraci právě podél vláken. Teoretická část je zaměřena na základní představení hydrogelů obecně a v rešeršní části je pak představeno několik publikací věnujících se právě kombinaci elektrostaticky zvlákněných vláken a hydrogelů. Experimentální část se zabývá kombinací hydrogelu z polyvinylalkoholu (PVA) s vlákny z polykaprolactonu (PCL), tedy biokompatibilními necytotoxickými polymerními materiály, které byly vybrány na základě předchozích zkušeností autora práce a literární rešerše. Největší překážkou této kombinace byla hydrofobita PCL v kombinaci s hydrofilitou PVA. To bylo vyřešeno zejména snížením vzdálenosti zvlákňovací elektrody a kapalinového kolektoru. Následně byly vzorky fyzikálně síťovány pomocí postupného opakovaného zmražení a rozmražení, tzv. freeze-thaw. Vybrané vzorky byly lyofilizovány. Výsledné vzorky byly testovány pomocí DSC metody. Byl sledován stupeň botnání a úbytky hmotnosti po ponechání ve vodném prostředí po určité doby, dále byly vybrané vzorky nasnímány pomocí rastrovacího elektronového mikroskopu. Závěrem byly vybrané vzorky úspěšně testovány na cytokompatibilitu.
The main goal of this diploma thesis is production and basic testing of materials composed of hydrogel and electrospun fibers. The wet electrospinning was chosen for the production of fibers and the aqueous solution, in which was the fibers electrospun to, was in the second step, along with incorporated fibers, physically cross-linked to form hydrogel. The fibers are added into hydrogels mainly for medical applications, such as scaffolds or wound dressings. Their presence in hydrogels raises mechanical properties, and also raises adhesion and migration of cells, mainly alongside the fibers. Theoretical part is mainly focused on basic introduction of hydrogels in general and in the research part, there are given numerous publications, which are focusing on combining electrospun fibers with hydrogels. Experimental part then covers combination of hydrogel from polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) with fibers from polycaprolactone (PCL), thus biocompatible non-cytotoxic polymer materials, which were chosen on previous experience of the author and literary research. The biggest obstacle of this combination was the hydrophobicity of PCL and PVA hydrophilicity. This was solved mainly by lowering the distance of electrospinning electrode and aqueous collector. The samples were then physically cross-linked by repeating freeze-thaw cycle. Chosen samples were also lyophilized. The resultant samples were tested by DSC. The swelling degree and weight loss were observed after leaving them in aqueous media for a given period. They were also observed by the scanning electron microscope. The selected samples were successfully tested for cytocompatibility in the end.
The main goal of this diploma thesis is production and basic testing of materials composed of hydrogel and electrospun fibers. The wet electrospinning was chosen for the production of fibers and the aqueous solution, in which was the fibers electrospun to, was in the second step, along with incorporated fibers, physically cross-linked to form hydrogel. The fibers are added into hydrogels mainly for medical applications, such as scaffolds or wound dressings. Their presence in hydrogels raises mechanical properties, and also raises adhesion and migration of cells, mainly alongside the fibers. Theoretical part is mainly focused on basic introduction of hydrogels in general and in the research part, there are given numerous publications, which are focusing on combining electrospun fibers with hydrogels. Experimental part then covers combination of hydrogel from polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) with fibers from polycaprolactone (PCL), thus biocompatible non-cytotoxic polymer materials, which were chosen on previous experience of the author and literary research. The biggest obstacle of this combination was the hydrophobicity of PCL and PVA hydrophilicity. This was solved mainly by lowering the distance of electrospinning electrode and aqueous collector. The samples were then physically cross-linked by repeating freeze-thaw cycle. Chosen samples were also lyophilized. The resultant samples were tested by DSC. The swelling degree and weight loss were observed after leaving them in aqueous media for a given period. They were also observed by the scanning electron microscope. The selected samples were successfully tested for cytocompatibility in the end.
hydrogel, polyvinylalkohol, polykaprolakton, elektrostatické zvlákňování do kapaliny, hydrogel, polyvinyl alcohol, polycaprolactone, wet electrospinning