Vzdělávání imigrantů na základních školách
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Aktuální problematika imigrace a začleňování cizinců do společnosti prostřednictvím školské integrace je v České republice téma poměrné nové. Předkládá mnoho otázek a konfrontuje nás i naše školství s nedostatkem zkušeností v této oblasti a také s obavami vyplývajícími z ambivalentních přístupů v pohledu na současnou uprchlickou krizi. Evokuje v nás nepříliš zdařilé pokusy o integraci romské menšiny v České republice, ale také příklady poměrně úspěšné integrace například minority vietnamské, polské či ukrajinské.Základní výzkumné otázky této bakalářské práce jsou tedy zaměřeny na porovnání podmínek školské integrace cizinců na různých základních školách v České republice, ale také na očekávání pedagogů na jedné straně a jejich zkušenosti na straně druhé.
The contemporary issue of immigration and inclusion of foreigners into the society through educational integration is a fairly new topic in Czech Republic. It poses many questions and confronts us and our education system with lack of experience in the field and with uncertainties stemming from ambivalent approaches to refugee crisis. It makes us think of unsuccessful integration of Roma minority in Czech Republic, but also of fairly successful integration of Vietnamese, Polish or Ukrainian minorities. The main research questions of this bachelor's thesis are focused on the comparison of conditions in educational integration of foreigners between various schools in Czech Republic, as well as on the expectations of teachers on one hand, and the reality on the other.
The contemporary issue of immigration and inclusion of foreigners into the society through educational integration is a fairly new topic in Czech Republic. It poses many questions and confronts us and our education system with lack of experience in the field and with uncertainties stemming from ambivalent approaches to refugee crisis. It makes us think of unsuccessful integration of Roma minority in Czech Republic, but also of fairly successful integration of Vietnamese, Polish or Ukrainian minorities. The main research questions of this bachelor's thesis are focused on the comparison of conditions in educational integration of foreigners between various schools in Czech Republic, as well as on the expectations of teachers on one hand, and the reality on the other.
imigrace, imigrant, integrace, inkluze, multikulturalita, žák-cizinec, immigration, immigrant, integration, inclusion, pupil foreigner