Odrazové schopnosti hráček basketbalu
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Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na porovnání odrazových schopností při vertikálním výskoku dvou ženských basketbalových družstev (Basketbal Bižuterie Jablonec nad Nisou a BC Kolín) s ohledem na herní post. Část syntézy poznatků vysvětluje základní informace o basketbalu, s jeho historií a rozšířením se z USA do celého světa a počátek basketbalu v ČR. Dále tato práce obsahuje stručný výtah nejdůležitějších pravidel basketbalu zaměřených na průběh hry, skladbu týmů a rozměry hřiště. Označuje a identifikuje hráčské typologie a druhy herních postů s následnou problematikou sportovního výkonu jako je zapojení svalů při vertikálním výskoku jeho biomechanikou. V závěru části syntézy poznatků je popsán systém měření Kistler Quattro Jump. Cílem práce je vyhodnotit výšku vertikálního výskoku pro daný herní post a porovnat je mezi kategoriemi, ve které hráčky nastupují. Měření probíhalo prostřednictvím měřicího přístroje Kistler a vyhodnocováno bylo v programu Quattro Jump.
The Bechelor thesis is focuses on the comparison of rebound abilities in a vertical jump of two women's basketball teams (Basketbal Bižuterie Jablonec nad Nisou and BC Kolín) with look on to the game post. In the synthesis of knowledge we will find basic information about basketball, with the history and spread from the USA to every corner of the world and the beginnings of basketball in the Czech Republic. Then a brief overview of the most important rules of basketball focused on the game, the composition of the teams and the size of the court. Furthermore, the designation of player typology and types of game posts. Subsequently, the issue of sports performance such as the inclusion of muscles in a vertical jump and the biomechanics of a vertical jump. At the end of the synthesis of knowledge, a descriptions of the Kistler Quattro Jump measurement system. The goal of the Bechelor thesis is to evaluate the height of the vertical jump for a given game post and compare them between the categories in which the players move into and thats what we found at results part. The measurement was performed thanks to the Kistler measuring device and evaluated in the Quattro Jump program.
The Bechelor thesis is focuses on the comparison of rebound abilities in a vertical jump of two women's basketball teams (Basketbal Bižuterie Jablonec nad Nisou and BC Kolín) with look on to the game post. In the synthesis of knowledge we will find basic information about basketball, with the history and spread from the USA to every corner of the world and the beginnings of basketball in the Czech Republic. Then a brief overview of the most important rules of basketball focused on the game, the composition of the teams and the size of the court. Furthermore, the designation of player typology and types of game posts. Subsequently, the issue of sports performance such as the inclusion of muscles in a vertical jump and the biomechanics of a vertical jump. At the end of the synthesis of knowledge, a descriptions of the Kistler Quattro Jump measurement system. The goal of the Bechelor thesis is to evaluate the height of the vertical jump for a given game post and compare them between the categories in which the players move into and thats what we found at results part. The measurement was performed thanks to the Kistler measuring device and evaluated in the Quattro Jump program.
basketbal, vertikální výskok, Kistler, Quattro Jump, basketball, vertical rebound, Kistler, Quattro Jump