Hodnocení úrovně pohybové aktivity u adolescentních dívek z libereckého regionu
Title Alternative:Evaluation of the Levels of Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls from the Liberec Region
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Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce je rozbor a následná analýza pohybové aktivity adolescentních dívek na Liberecku. Testování bylo prováděno pomocí krokoměrů a dotazníků IPAQ. Práce se zabývá pohybovou aktivitou z hlediska dnů v týdnu a intenzitou pohybového zatížení. Výsledky ukázaly, že pohybová aktivita během týdne kolísá, víkendy jsou z hlediska naměřených hodnot slabší než dny pracovní. Nejvyšší energetický výdej mají adolescentky při intenzivní pohybové aktivitě během volného času, nejvíce času tráví v průměru chůzí během dopravy. V porovnání s ostatními regiony se Liberecko řadí k méně aktivním regionům. Ke zlepšení by určitě pomohl nárůst intenzivní pohybové aktivity například formou sportovní činnosti nebo častější využití kola jako dopravního prostředku.
The primary aim of this dissertation is a breakdown and subsequent analysis of the physical activity of adolescent girls from the Liberec region. The testing was conducted using pedometers and questionnairs IPAQ. This study explores the physical activity over days in a week and the intensity of physical burden. The results reveiled that the physical activity varies over the week, and the measured values indicate that the physical acitivity is lower during weekends than during the weekdays. The highest energy output was found in adolescent girls during their free time when they conduct high intensity physical activity, and the majority of their physical activity during the week is walking as a means of transport. In comparaison with other regions, the Liberec region was found as a less active region. To improve this situation, it is suggested to increase intensive physical activity in the form of sporting activity or higher use of bicycles as a means of transport.
The primary aim of this dissertation is a breakdown and subsequent analysis of the physical activity of adolescent girls from the Liberec region. The testing was conducted using pedometers and questionnairs IPAQ. This study explores the physical activity over days in a week and the intensity of physical burden. The results reveiled that the physical activity varies over the week, and the measured values indicate that the physical acitivity is lower during weekends than during the weekdays. The highest energy output was found in adolescent girls during their free time when they conduct high intensity physical activity, and the majority of their physical activity during the week is walking as a means of transport. In comparaison with other regions, the Liberec region was found as a less active region. To improve this situation, it is suggested to increase intensive physical activity in the form of sporting activity or higher use of bicycles as a means of transport.