Didaktické metody pro nácvik plavání u neplavců mladšího školního věku
Title Alternative:Didactic methods for non-swimmers of elementary school age
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Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá didaktickými metodami pro nácvik plavání dětí mladšího školního věku. V první části práce je charakterizován psychický a motorický vývoj dětí mezi 6 a 11 lety, problémy, které mohou výuku ovlivňovat a význam plavání a plaveckého výcviku z mnoha hledisek. Jedna z kapitol se zabývá psychomotorickými cvičeními ve vodě, díky kterým se děti hravou formou seznamují s vodou a překonávají tak svůj strach a nedůvěru v nové prostředí. Následují kapitoly popisující správné technické provedení jednotlivých plaveckých stylů, skoků a obrátek a využití plaveckých pomůcek. Ve druhé části práce jsou uvedeny zpracované didaktické metody pro nácvik plavání dětí mladšího školního věku, které jsou chronologicky seřazeny a doplněny o autentické fotografie. Tato část práce zahrnuje i nejčastěji prováděné chyby při nácviku a využívání vhodných pomůcek.
This bachelor thesis is focused on didactic methods for non-swimmers of elementary school age. Psychological and motoric development of children in elementary school age is characterized in the first part of the thesis as well as problems, which might have an impact on the teaching. The sense of swimming as a physical activity and swimming teaching is described from various points of view. One of the chapters focuses on psychomotor exercising in water, which help children to familiarize themselves with a different environment and to overcome their fear of unknown. The next chapters describe the right swimming techniques including the technique of swimming starts and swimming turns and the use of swimming equipment. The second part of the thesis contains adapted didactic methods for non-swimmers of younger school age, which follow chronological order and are enriched with authentic photos. The basic mistakes usually made by children and the right use of swimming equipment are also mentioned.
This bachelor thesis is focused on didactic methods for non-swimmers of elementary school age. Psychological and motoric development of children in elementary school age is characterized in the first part of the thesis as well as problems, which might have an impact on the teaching. The sense of swimming as a physical activity and swimming teaching is described from various points of view. One of the chapters focuses on psychomotor exercising in water, which help children to familiarize themselves with a different environment and to overcome their fear of unknown. The next chapters describe the right swimming techniques including the technique of swimming starts and swimming turns and the use of swimming equipment. The second part of the thesis contains adapted didactic methods for non-swimmers of younger school age, which follow chronological order and are enriched with authentic photos. The basic mistakes usually made by children and the right use of swimming equipment are also mentioned.