Hrad Houska v proměnách věků
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Diplomová práce se zabývá historií i současností hradu Houska. Shrnuje poznatky již učiněné a zdokumentované a přidává moderní pohled na toto středověké sídlo. Porovnává a hodnotí teorie o vzniku a založení hradu s ohledem na stavební historii, zabývá se jeho mystičností a zvláštní pozornost pak věnuje hradní kapli a filosofii maleb.
This thesis deals with the history and present of the castle Houska, summarizes the findings already made and documented, and adds a modern look at this medieval residence, compares and evaluates theories about the origin and foundation of the castle, while having in mind its building history. It's dealing with its mistique nature and devotes special attention to chapel and paintings' philosophy.
This thesis deals with the history and present of the castle Houska, summarizes the findings already made and documented, and adds a modern look at this medieval residence, compares and evaluates theories about the origin and foundation of the castle, while having in mind its building history. It's dealing with its mistique nature and devotes special attention to chapel and paintings' philosophy.
Hrad Houska, středověk, páni z Dubé, Hrzáni z Harasova, Valdštejn, kaple, fresky, Karel Hynek Mácha, stavební historie, tajemno, Castle Houska, Middle Ages, Lord of Dubá, Hrzáns of Harasov, Wallestein, chapel, frescoes, Karel Hynek Mácha, building history, mystery