Péče o seniory s narušenou komunikační schopností v ústavní péči
Title Alternative:Institutional Care for the Elderly People with Disturbed Communication Ability
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Diplomová práce pojednává o problematice narušené komunikační schopnosti u seniorů. Cílem diplomové práce bylo popsat nejčastější poruchy komunikace objevující se v seniorském věku, zjistit úroveň komunikačních schopností a dovedností pracovníků přímé obslužné péče ve vybraném pobytovém zařízení sociálních služeb, a vliv této úrovně na poskytovanou péči. V teoretické části byla vymezena daná problematika. Byla popsána specifika komunikace, specifika cílové skupiny a faktory ovlivňující kvalitu a úroveň komunikace.V empirické části byla popsána metodologie kvantitativního dotazníkového výzkumu. Byly popsány konkrétní výsledky jednotlivých zjištění, a zároveň také popsáno, z jakého důvodu vyvozujeme, že tomu tak je. V závěru byla shrnuta veškerá zjištění, a popsána doporučení pro budoucí praxi v oblasti úspěšné komunikace.
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of communication disability of seniors. The target of the thesis was to describe the most frequent communication disorders which appear in seniors' age, to determine the level of communication skills and abilities of direct service care workers in selected residential social-welfare-facilities and the effect of such level to provided social care. The theoretical part defines in detail. It describes communication specifics, specifics of target group and factors affecting quality and level of communication. In the empiric part the methodology of quantitative research was described. The specific outcomes of all individual findings were described, while there were also explained the reasons why I had come to the presented conclusions.At the end all the findings were summarized and recommendations for future practice in the field of successful communication were made.
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of communication disability of seniors. The target of the thesis was to describe the most frequent communication disorders which appear in seniors' age, to determine the level of communication skills and abilities of direct service care workers in selected residential social-welfare-facilities and the effect of such level to provided social care. The theoretical part defines in detail. It describes communication specifics, specifics of target group and factors affecting quality and level of communication. In the empiric part the methodology of quantitative research was described. The specific outcomes of all individual findings were described, while there were also explained the reasons why I had come to the presented conclusions.At the end all the findings were summarized and recommendations for future practice in the field of successful communication were made.