Muzikoterapie jako součást primární prevence rizikového chování žáků na prvním stupni ZŠ
Title Alternative:Music therapy as part of primary prevention of risk behavior of pupils at primary school
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Diplomová práce řeší vliv zátěžových situací působících na žáka mladšího školního věku. Pojímá stres jako jeden z faktorů ovlivňující vznik rizikového chování žáků. Je zaměřena především na vzájemné vztahy žáků ve třídě a jejich učební činnost jako zdroj stresu vedoucí ke vzniku rizikového chování. Toto rizikové chování je podrobněji charakterizováno, stejně tak i primární prevence ve spojitosti s ním. Dále je objasňován pojem muzikoterapie a uplatnění muzikoterapeutických prvků na prvním stupni základní školy. Záměrem diplomové práce je proto aplikovat muzikoterapeutické prvky ve výchovně vzdělávacím procesu s cílem rozvíjet u žáků schopnost zvládat zátěžové situace jako součást primární prevence.Konkrétní aktivity s prvky muzikoterapie byly vybrány z knižních zdrojů různých autorů, mnohé z nich jsou vlastní. Aktivity jsou taktéž v práci popsány. Následně byly ověřovány v praxi v průběhu delšího časového období. Při aplikaci muzikoterapeutických aktivit se uplatnila metoda pozorování.Na základě pozorování bylo provedeno vyhodnocení. Cíl byl naplněn, žáci skutečně rozvíjeli schopnost zvládat zátěžové situace a zvyšovali tak svou odolnost vůči stresu. Učili se zklidňovat, relaxovat a odreagovat se před náročnou učební činností, učili se kooperovat v rámci skupiny, a tím tak posilovat pozitivní klima ve třídě. Hlavním zjištěním je použitelnost aktivit i v běžném životě, nejen v rámci výchově vzdělávacího procesu. Přínosem této práce je proto využití muzikoterapeutických aktivit ve školní praxi.
The main area of concern of this diploma thesis is the impact of stressful situations on students of lower primary schools. The stress is considered one of the factors that influences the risk behavior of students. The paper aims mostly at the relations between the students and their study activities as a source of stress that leads to the risk behavior. The risk behavior as well as its primary means of prevention are described in detail. The term music therapy and application of music therapy activities in lower primary schools is discussed further. The goal of the thesis is to apply music therapy activities in the educational process with the aim to develop students' abilities to manage stressful situations as a part of primary prevention. Individual music therapy activities described in the paper have been chosen from literary sources of various authors with many of the activities being devised by the thesis author. The activities have been verified over significant period of time. The observation method has been applied while performing the music therapy activities. Based upon the observations, the evaluation has been performed. The main goal of the thesis has been fulfilled as the students were able to develop their skills in dealing with stressful situations and therefore increased their stress resistance. They learned how to calm down and relax before demanding study activities, learned to cooperate within the group and thus strengthen the positive atmosphere in the class. The most important finding is the applicability of the music therapy activities not only in the education process but also in everyday life. The main contribution of the thesis is the utilisation of music therapy activities in school practice.
The main area of concern of this diploma thesis is the impact of stressful situations on students of lower primary schools. The stress is considered one of the factors that influences the risk behavior of students. The paper aims mostly at the relations between the students and their study activities as a source of stress that leads to the risk behavior. The risk behavior as well as its primary means of prevention are described in detail. The term music therapy and application of music therapy activities in lower primary schools is discussed further. The goal of the thesis is to apply music therapy activities in the educational process with the aim to develop students' abilities to manage stressful situations as a part of primary prevention. Individual music therapy activities described in the paper have been chosen from literary sources of various authors with many of the activities being devised by the thesis author. The activities have been verified over significant period of time. The observation method has been applied while performing the music therapy activities. Based upon the observations, the evaluation has been performed. The main goal of the thesis has been fulfilled as the students were able to develop their skills in dealing with stressful situations and therefore increased their stress resistance. They learned how to calm down and relax before demanding study activities, learned to cooperate within the group and thus strengthen the positive atmosphere in the class. The most important finding is the applicability of the music therapy activities not only in the education process but also in everyday life. The main contribution of the thesis is the utilisation of music therapy activities in school practice.