Prožitek výtvarného umění prostřednictvím galerijní animace
Title Alternative:Experience of art through gallery education
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Cílem bakalářské práce je vytvořit vzdělávací program v galerii, realizovat ho a provést následnou evaluaci. V první části se věnuji teoretickým poznatkům, bez kterých by program nemohl vzniknout. Zabývám se v ní různými pojmy, které ke galerijní animaci patří. Nezapomenu se zmínit ani o Oblastní galerii v Liberci, která má s mým programem společnou expozici Na vlnách umění, ve které se celý program odehrává. V praktické části se pak věnuji samotnému programu a v části poslední popisuji jeho vyhodnocení.
The aim of bachelor thesis is create education program in gallery, realize it and make following evaluation. In first part I focus on theoretical knowledge. The entire program would not have been possible without them. This part deals with many terms which are connected with gallery animation. I cannot fogret about Regional gallery in Liberec which has common exposure called On the waves of art, where the program take a place. In practical part I write about entire program and last part is about evaluation.
The aim of bachelor thesis is create education program in gallery, realize it and make following evaluation. In first part I focus on theoretical knowledge. The entire program would not have been possible without them. This part deals with many terms which are connected with gallery animation. I cannot fogret about Regional gallery in Liberec which has common exposure called On the waves of art, where the program take a place. In practical part I write about entire program and last part is about evaluation.