Kombinovaný model proudění podzemní vody založený na primární formulaci MKP.
Title Alternative:Combined model of groundwater flow based on primar formulation of FEM
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá vývojem modelu proudění podzemní vody, který je realizován programem Flow123D a je založen na primární formulaci MKP. Bylo nutné navrhnout a implementovat algoritmus, který zajistí správnou funkčnost modelu pro multidimenzionální sítě. Po seznámení s použitým fyzikálním a matematickým modelem uvedeným v první kapitole se věnujeme popisu návrhu a implementace zmíněného modelu do programu Flow123D. Implementovaný algoritmus je v závěru práce otestován na benchmarkových úlohách.
The aim of this Diploma Thesis is to develop a model of the groundwater flow. The model of this physical process is realized by program Flow123D and it is based on primar formulation of the FEM. It was necessary to create and to implement an algorithm for correct calculation in case of multidimensional meshes. Used physical and mathematical model is briefly explained in the first chapter. The second chapter gives a concept and description of implementation of the new algorithm into the Flow123D program. There is tested the correct functionality of the implemented algorithm on several benchmark problems in the third chapter.
The aim of this Diploma Thesis is to develop a model of the groundwater flow. The model of this physical process is realized by program Flow123D and it is based on primar formulation of the FEM. It was necessary to create and to implement an algorithm for correct calculation in case of multidimensional meshes. Used physical and mathematical model is briefly explained in the first chapter. The second chapter gives a concept and description of implementation of the new algorithm into the Flow123D program. There is tested the correct functionality of the implemented algorithm on several benchmark problems in the third chapter.
katedra: NTI; přílohy: 1 CD; rozsah: 57 s.
primární formulace, mkp, proudění podzemní vody, multidimenzionální přístup, primar formulation, fem, groundwater flow, multidimensional approach