Finanční a nefinanční ukazatele v hodnocení podnikatelských subjektů
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Diplomová práce má za cíl vyhodnotit pomocí finančních a nefinančních ukazatelů výkonnost vybraného podniku SanSwiss s.r.o. Hlavní stimul pro výběr daného tématu je podrobně se seznámit s provozem, procesy a fungováním podniku. Následně vyhodnotit, zda podnik prosperuje v dané oblasti a zda dosahuje jeho výkonnost vysoké úrovně a podnik je tak konkurenceschopný na trhu. K vyhodnocení finančních ukazatelů je využita finanční analýza, která pracuje s absolutními a poměrovými ukazateli a bonitními a bankrotními modely. K vyhodnocení nefinančních ukazatelů jsou data čerpána z Nadace pro měření výkonnosti, z ní jsou zkoumány jednotlivé složky podniku, jako jsou zaměstnanci, objednávky, vztahy s klienty, životní prostředí, technika a inovace. Dále jsou popsány současné cíle a vize podniku a SWOT analýza, která zhodnotí silné a slabé stránky, a také příležitosti a hrozby. Na SWOT analýzu bude navazovat zkoumání firemní kultury, která souvisí s vnitřním prostředním podniku. V praktické části je většina metod aplikována na konkrétní podnik a vyhodnocena. V závěru práce jsou uvedeny důležité postřehy a návrhy na zlepšení výkonnosti podniku.
The diploma thesis aids at the performance of selected company SanSwiss s.r.o. with use of financial and non-financial indicators. To get acquainted with the operation, processes and operation of the business are the main stimulus for selecting this subject. The other target is attention to the results of prosperity of the business in that particular area, followed by aiming the attention to accomplishment a high level performance in order to make sure that the business is competitive on the market. Financial analysis is used to evaluace financial indicators, which uses absolute and ratio indicators, credit and bankruptcy models. The data used for the evaluation of non-financial indicators are drawn from the Performance Meansurement Foundation. There are examined individual components of the company, such as employees, orders, customer relations, the environment, technology and innovation. In addition, there are described company's current, goals, vision and SWOT analysis to evaluace trengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats. The SWOT analysis will be followed by an exploration of the corporate culture that is related to the internal business. Most of the metohods are applied to a particular business in the practical part of the thesis. There are given important suggestions for improving the performance of the company at the end of the thesis.
The diploma thesis aids at the performance of selected company SanSwiss s.r.o. with use of financial and non-financial indicators. To get acquainted with the operation, processes and operation of the business are the main stimulus for selecting this subject. The other target is attention to the results of prosperity of the business in that particular area, followed by aiming the attention to accomplishment a high level performance in order to make sure that the business is competitive on the market. Financial analysis is used to evaluace financial indicators, which uses absolute and ratio indicators, credit and bankruptcy models. The data used for the evaluation of non-financial indicators are drawn from the Performance Meansurement Foundation. There are examined individual components of the company, such as employees, orders, customer relations, the environment, technology and innovation. In addition, there are described company's current, goals, vision and SWOT analysis to evaluace trengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats. The SWOT analysis will be followed by an exploration of the corporate culture that is related to the internal business. Most of the metohods are applied to a particular business in the practical part of the thesis. There are given important suggestions for improving the performance of the company at the end of the thesis.
Výkonnost, finanční analýza, nefinanční analýza, prosperita, konkurenceschopnost, Performance, financial analysis, non-financial analysis, prosperity, competitiveness