Vliv pandemie Covidu-19 na internetovou komunikaci a distanční výuku
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Bakalářská práce mapuje způsob, jak byl ovlivněn život žáků a studentů v rámci jejich aktivity na sociálních sítích během pandemie Covidu-19. Pandemie zasáhla celosvětové dění naprosto zásadně a výjimkou nezůstali děti a dospívající kvůli přechodu na distanční výuku a odříznutí se od světa a kontaktu tváří v tvář. Teoretická část práce se zaměřuje na podstatu a problematiku sociálních sítí a jejich specifikaci, dále se zaměřuji na formy vzdělávání. V druhé části práce by následovala prezentace dotazníku, jeho výsledky a výstup se shrnutím výzkumné otázky.
The aim of my bachelor's thesis is to outline the activity of students on social networks during the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic affected global events in a major way, and children and adolescents were no exception due to the sudden transition to online schooling combined with their being cut off from the outside world and the usual personal interactions they would otherwise have had. The theoretical part focus on the description and specification of social networks, and also on the various forms of education available. In the second part, there is a presentation of my questionnaire, its results and its overall outcome summarizing the researched topic.
The aim of my bachelor's thesis is to outline the activity of students on social networks during the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic affected global events in a major way, and children and adolescents were no exception due to the sudden transition to online schooling combined with their being cut off from the outside world and the usual personal interactions they would otherwise have had. The theoretical part focus on the description and specification of social networks, and also on the various forms of education available. In the second part, there is a presentation of my questionnaire, its results and its overall outcome summarizing the researched topic.
Sociální síť, Covid, pandemie, výuka, komunikace, Facebook, online prostor, Social site, Covid, pandemic, tuition, communication, Facebook, online scope