Galerie na řece Amstel, Holandsko
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Zadání bakalářské práce vychází ze soutěže vypsané na novou galerii propojenou s mostem přes řeku Amstel v centru Amsterdamu v oblasti mezi dvěma ikonickými mosty. Hlavní myšlenkou je přivést denní uživatele okolního veřejného prostoru k dialogu s uměním. Návrh by měl zahrnout galerii, sál k pořádání menších kulturních akcí a dynamický veřejný prostor. Současně by měl návrh propojit v zadané oblasti kanálu oba břehy lávkou pro pěší a měl by dbát na zasazení objektu do prostředí města a na jeho dopad na okolí.
The bachelor thesis is based on an ongoing competition for a new gallery complemented by a footbridge over the Amstel River in the centre of Amsterdam where the site is located between the two iconic bridges. The main idea is to promote art through architecture and attract attention of passersby.The proposal should include a gallery, an auditorium for smaller cultural events and a dynamic public space. At the same time, the design should include a pedestrian bridge over the canal in the designated area, and should respect the context of the city enviroment and the impact on its surroundings.
The bachelor thesis is based on an ongoing competition for a new gallery complemented by a footbridge over the Amstel River in the centre of Amsterdam where the site is located between the two iconic bridges. The main idea is to promote art through architecture and attract attention of passersby.The proposal should include a gallery, an auditorium for smaller cultural events and a dynamic public space. At the same time, the design should include a pedestrian bridge over the canal in the designated area, and should respect the context of the city enviroment and the impact on its surroundings.
architektura, galerie, auditorium, pěší most, architecture, gallery, auditorium, footbridge