Syndrom vyhoření u speciálních pedagogů
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá syndromem vyhoření u speciálních pedagogů, což je i název této bakalářské práce. Hlavním cílem této práce je zmapovat výskyt syndromu vyhoření u speciálních pedagogů pracujících ve školství a mimo školství a míru jejich ohrožení. Tato práce je rozdělena na dvě hlavní části, a to teoretickou a praktickou část. První kapitola teoretické části se věnuje profesi speciálního pedagoga, kde je definována tato profese. Dále je zde popsán profil speciálního pedagoga, jeho základní činnosti a oblasti uplatnění. Druhá kapitola se zabývá syndromem vyhoření, kde je tento pojem definován, dále jsou zde popsány rizikové faktory, příznaky, fáze, profese ohrožené tímto syndromem, prevence a odborná pomoc. Praktická část se nejprve věnuje průzkumu, který proběhl prostřednictvím dotazníkového šetření u speciálních pedagogů ve školství a mimo školství. Výsledky z dotazníkového šetření jsou na konci této kapitoly vyhodnoceny a shrnuty.
The bachelor's thesis deals with the burnout syndrome in special educators, which is also the title of this bachelor's thesis. The main goal of this work is to map the incidence of burnout syndrome in special educators working in education and out of education and the degree of their threat. This work is divided into two main parts, namely the theoretical and practical part. The first chapter of the theoretical part is devoted to the profession of special pedagogue, where this profession is defined. Furthermore, the profile of the special pedagogue, his basic activities and areas of application are described here. The second chapter deals with the burnout syndrome, where this term is defined, there are also described risk factors, symptoms, phases, professions at risk of this syndrome, prevention and professional help. The practical part first deals with a survey, which was conducted through a questionnaire survey of special educators in education and out of education. The results of the questionnaire survey are evaluated and summarized at the beginning of this chapter.
The bachelor's thesis deals with the burnout syndrome in special educators, which is also the title of this bachelor's thesis. The main goal of this work is to map the incidence of burnout syndrome in special educators working in education and out of education and the degree of their threat. This work is divided into two main parts, namely the theoretical and practical part. The first chapter of the theoretical part is devoted to the profession of special pedagogue, where this profession is defined. Furthermore, the profile of the special pedagogue, his basic activities and areas of application are described here. The second chapter deals with the burnout syndrome, where this term is defined, there are also described risk factors, symptoms, phases, professions at risk of this syndrome, prevention and professional help. The practical part first deals with a survey, which was conducted through a questionnaire survey of special educators in education and out of education. The results of the questionnaire survey are evaluated and summarized at the beginning of this chapter.
speciální pedagog, syndrom vyhoření, prevence, rezort školství, rezort práce a sociálních věcí, rezort zdravotnictví, rezort spravedlnosti, special pedagogue, burnout syndrome, prevention, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Justice