Možnosti rozvoje komunikace u dětí s dětskou mozkovou obrnou
Title Alternative:Communication Skills Development Possibilities for Children with Cerebral Pulsy
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Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na problematiku poruch komunikačních schopností u dětí s DMO a možnosti rozvoje komunikace. Teoretická část je věnována současným poznatkům v této oblasti, rizikovým faktorům, příčinám, formám a možnostem terapie. Podrobně popsán je přirozený rozvoj komunikace u intaktní populace v porovnání s rozvojem řeči u osob s DMO. V praktické části je realizováno kazuistické šetření u čtyř případů, při němž bylo využito Orientačního logopedického vyšetření. Práce se zabývá problematikou komunikace a spoluprací s rodiči dítěte. Šetření čerpá z nabytých zkušeností a osobního kontaktu s jedinci. Cílem bakalářské práce je snaha popsat komunikační schopnosti dítěte s dětskou mozkovou obrnou a následná komparace možností péče o osoby s DMO dnes a v devadesátých letech, která vychází z osobních zkušeností rodičů dětí.
This Bachelor's Thesis deals with the issue of communication disorder in children with poliomyelitis and options for improvement of their communication performance. This thesis comprises two parts; the current findings in the aforementioned area, the risk factors, the causes, the forms and the potential of therapy are described in the first, theoretical part. A detailed description of natural development of communication in intact individuals in comparison with the speech development in individuals with poliomyelitis is included. In the second, empirical part, a case-based investigation in three individuals using the orientational logopaedic examination is described. The thesis deals with the issue of communication and cooperation with parents as well. The investigation was based on personal contact and experience with affected individuals and their relatives. The aim of this thesis is to describe the communication performance of children with poliomyelitis and to compare the options in care for individuals with poliomyelitis today and in the 1990s, based on personal experience of the parents of the individuals observed during this project.
This Bachelor's Thesis deals with the issue of communication disorder in children with poliomyelitis and options for improvement of their communication performance. This thesis comprises two parts; the current findings in the aforementioned area, the risk factors, the causes, the forms and the potential of therapy are described in the first, theoretical part. A detailed description of natural development of communication in intact individuals in comparison with the speech development in individuals with poliomyelitis is included. In the second, empirical part, a case-based investigation in three individuals using the orientational logopaedic examination is described. The thesis deals with the issue of communication and cooperation with parents as well. The investigation was based on personal contact and experience with affected individuals and their relatives. The aim of this thesis is to describe the communication performance of children with poliomyelitis and to compare the options in care for individuals with poliomyelitis today and in the 1990s, based on personal experience of the parents of the individuals observed during this project.