Vliv distribuce velikosti mezinitných pórů na prodyšnost tkaniny
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Tato předkládaná diplomová práce se zabývá vlivem distribuce mezinitných pórů na prodyšnost tkaniny. Cílem je pokusit se navrhnout vhodnou metodiku pro vyhodnocení nerovnoměrnosti velikosti mezinitných pórů ve tkanině. Teoretická část se zabývá problematikou vlivu strukturních parametrů na prodyšnost tkaniny. Pozornost je zde věnována zejména průměru nitě, chlupatosti nitě, dostavám nití tkaniny a prodyšnosti. Dále byla prozkoumána problematika nerovnoměrností v dostavách nití tkaniny. Experimentální část je věnována zkoumání vztahu mezi strukturou tkaniny a její prodyšností. Byly zde proměřovány velikosti jednotlivých mezinitných pórů. A dále navrhnuta metodika pro hodnocení nerovnoměrnosti velikosti mezinitných pórů. Orientačně byly ověřeny některé modely určené pro predikci prodyšnosti.
This thesis deals with the influence of the size of inter-yarns on the air permeability of a woven fabric. The aim is to try to suggest an appropriate methodology to evaluate irregularities in the size of inter-yarns of woven fabric. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the issues of the influence of structural parameters on the air permeability of a woven fabric and it is being focused especially on the yarn diameter, hairiness, sets of yarn and the air permeability. It also explores the issues of sets of yarn irregularities in a woven fabric. The practical part deals with researching the relationship between a structure and the air permeability of a woven fabric. The sizes of each individual inter-yarns were measured and a methodology for evaluating the irregularities of the sizes of the inter-yarns was suggested. And some calculations to predict the air permeability have been tested.
This thesis deals with the influence of the size of inter-yarns on the air permeability of a woven fabric. The aim is to try to suggest an appropriate methodology to evaluate irregularities in the size of inter-yarns of woven fabric. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the issues of the influence of structural parameters on the air permeability of a woven fabric and it is being focused especially on the yarn diameter, hairiness, sets of yarn and the air permeability. It also explores the issues of sets of yarn irregularities in a woven fabric. The practical part deals with researching the relationship between a structure and the air permeability of a woven fabric. The sizes of each individual inter-yarns were measured and a methodology for evaluating the irregularities of the sizes of the inter-yarns was suggested. And some calculations to predict the air permeability have been tested.
katedra: KHT; přílohy: CD ROM; rozsah: 68 s
tkanina, prodyšnost, struktura, predikce prodyšnosti, mezinitný pór, nerovnoměrnost velikosti mezinitných pórů, woven fabric, permeability, structure, prediction air permeability, inter ? yarn pore, irregularities in the size of inter-yarns