Osudy rodiny dr. Rudolfa Krause
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Tzv. konečné řešení židovské otázky, založené na zvrácených rasových teoriích a jejich převedení v děsivou praxi nacionálně socialistickým Německem, připravilo o život 6 milionů mužů, žen a dětí. Podle současných poznatků bylo 771 původních libereckých občanů deportováno do některého z ghett, koncentračních či vyhlazovacích táborů. Přežilo pouze 55 z nich. Mezi ty, kteří přišli o život patřil i právník Rudolf Kraus, s manželkou Gertrud a jejich synem Walterem. Tato bakalářská práce za pomocí analýzy pramenů a jejich komparaci s poznatky z odborné literatury rekonstruuje životní příběh Rudolfa Krause a jeho rodiny. Tímto způsobem se tak jejich životní příběh vrací alespoň symbolicky do dějin města Liberce, které museli nuceně opustit.
The so-called final solution to the Jewish question, based on perversed racial theories propagated by National Socialist Germany and later on converted into terrifying practice, took the lives of 6 million men, women and also children. According to current knowledge, 771 original citizens of Liberec were deported to ghettos, concentration or extermination camps. Even worse - only 55 of them survived. Lawyer Rudolf Kraus and his wife Gertrud and their son Walter were among those who lost their lives. This bachelor's thesis reconstructs the life story of Rudolf Kraus and his family through analysis of the sources and their comparison with knowledge from the academic literature. In this way, their life story returns, at least symbolically, to the history of the city of Liberec, which they were forced to leave.
The so-called final solution to the Jewish question, based on perversed racial theories propagated by National Socialist Germany and later on converted into terrifying practice, took the lives of 6 million men, women and also children. According to current knowledge, 771 original citizens of Liberec were deported to ghettos, concentration or extermination camps. Even worse - only 55 of them survived. Lawyer Rudolf Kraus and his wife Gertrud and their son Walter were among those who lost their lives. This bachelor's thesis reconstructs the life story of Rudolf Kraus and his family through analysis of the sources and their comparison with knowledge from the academic literature. In this way, their life story returns, at least symbolically, to the history of the city of Liberec, which they were forced to leave.
holocaust, Liberec, antisemitismus, emigrace, židovství, advokacie, Rudolf Kraus