Integrace systému balanced scorecard v platformě Power BI za pomocí dataverse a power query
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Práce pojednává především o systému pro strategické hodnocení výkonnosti firmy s názvem Balanced Scorecard, tvorbě integrační vrstvy pro tento systém a jeho implementaci. V teoretické části práce je dále úvodem zahrnuta Business Intelligence a její nástroje, nástroje od společnosti Microsoft, nezbytné pro tvorbu integrační vrstvy Balanced Scorecard, jako jsou Dataverse, Power Query a další. V praktické části práce je zdokumentován postup při vývoji integrační části daného systému Balanced Scorecard pro konkrétní firmu. Nejprve jsou jednotlivě rozebrány cíle strategické mapy, poté modelová podoba systému a následně postupy použité při sběru dat pro indikátory měření výkonnosti. V následující kapitole 5 (Shrnutí a závěry) jsou formulovány mé příspěvky a práce na tomto systému, benefity tohoto systému a další možné plány pro budoucnost tohoto Balanced Scorecard ve firmě Networg.
The thesis discusses mainly the system for strategic evaluation of the company's performance called Balanced Scorecard, creation of an integration layer for this system and its implementation. The theoretical part of the thesis also includes Business Intelligence and its tools, tools from Microsoft, necessary for the creation of the integration layer for Balanced Scorecard such as Data verse, Power Query and others. The practical part of the thesis documents the process of developing the integration part of the Balanced Scorecard system for a specific company. First, the objectives of the strategy map are discussed individually, then the model form of the system, and then the procedures used to collect data for performance measurement indicators. In the following Chapter 5 (Summary and Conclusions) my contributions and work on this system, the benefits of this system and possible future plans for Balanced Scorecard in Networg company are formulated.
The thesis discusses mainly the system for strategic evaluation of the company's performance called Balanced Scorecard, creation of an integration layer for this system and its implementation. The theoretical part of the thesis also includes Business Intelligence and its tools, tools from Microsoft, necessary for the creation of the integration layer for Balanced Scorecard such as Data verse, Power Query and others. The practical part of the thesis documents the process of developing the integration part of the Balanced Scorecard system for a specific company. First, the objectives of the strategy map are discussed individually, then the model form of the system, and then the procedures used to collect data for performance measurement indicators. In the following Chapter 5 (Summary and Conclusions) my contributions and work on this system, the benefits of this system and possible future plans for Balanced Scorecard in Networg company are formulated.
Business Intelligence, Dataverse, Datové toky, Microsoft, Power BI, Power Query, report, Business Intelligence, Dataverse, Dataflows, Microsoft, Power BI, Power Query, report