Role České kanceláře pojistitelů v kontextu České republiky a Evropské unie
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Tématem bakalářské práce je role České kanceláře pojistitelů v kontextu České republiky a Evropské unie. Cílem práce je návrh opatření pro tuto kancelář, které by zlepšilo strukturu vozového parku v České republice. Práce se zaměřuje na negativní externality vozových parků, kam patří hlavně znečišťování životního prostředí a snižování bezpečnosti na silnicích. Dále je analyzována struktura českého i evropského vozového parku, při jejichž srovnání je ta česká zastaralá. Na této bázi jsou rozebírána stávající i dosud nezavedená opatření na obnovu českého vozového parku. Všechna již zavedená opatření v České republice, kam patří i dotace na vozidla s alternativním pohonem, ekologická daň a systém technických kontrol, se doporučují ponechat. Avšak opatření proti přetáčení tachometrů je v České republice nedostatečné a doporučuje se zavést podle zkušeností vyspělých evropských zemí, kde je toto opatření již zavedeno. Naproti tomu již existující tzv. šrotovné se v České republice nedoporučuje zavádět. Poslední část této práce je věnována zcela novému opatření na obnovu českého vozového parku včetně finančního zhodnocení.
Role of the Czech Insurers´ Bureau in Context of the Czech Republic and the European UnionThe theme of the bachelor thesis is the role of the Czech Insurers´ Bureau in context of the Czech Republic and the European Union. The aim of the thesis is precaution suggestion for this bureau, which would improve the vehicle fleet structure in the Czech Republic. The work focuses on negative externalities of vehicle fleets, where especially belong environmental pollution and road safety decrease. Next is analyzed the structure of Czech and European vehicle fleet, where the Czech is obsolete in the comparison. On this basis are analyzed existing and not yet established precautions to the renewal of Czech vehicle fleet. All the existing precautions in the Czech Republic, where belong subsidies on vehicles with alternative drive, the environmental tax and the system of technical inspections, are recommended to be kept. However precautions against reversals of tachometers are insufficient in the Czech Republic and are recommended to be established there according to the experience of developed European countries, where this precaution already was established. On the other hand already existing, but not yet established precaution so called scrappage incentives is not recommended to be established in the Czech Republic. The last part of this work is dedicated to the completely new precaution to the renewal of Czech vehicle fleet including financial evaluation.
Role of the Czech Insurers´ Bureau in Context of the Czech Republic and the European UnionThe theme of the bachelor thesis is the role of the Czech Insurers´ Bureau in context of the Czech Republic and the European Union. The aim of the thesis is precaution suggestion for this bureau, which would improve the vehicle fleet structure in the Czech Republic. The work focuses on negative externalities of vehicle fleets, where especially belong environmental pollution and road safety decrease. Next is analyzed the structure of Czech and European vehicle fleet, where the Czech is obsolete in the comparison. On this basis are analyzed existing and not yet established precautions to the renewal of Czech vehicle fleet. All the existing precautions in the Czech Republic, where belong subsidies on vehicles with alternative drive, the environmental tax and the system of technical inspections, are recommended to be kept. However precautions against reversals of tachometers are insufficient in the Czech Republic and are recommended to be established there according to the experience of developed European countries, where this precaution already was established. On the other hand already existing, but not yet established precaution so called scrappage incentives is not recommended to be established in the Czech Republic. The last part of this work is dedicated to the completely new precaution to the renewal of Czech vehicle fleet including financial evaluation.
vozový park, obnovení, Česká republika, Evropská unie, opatření, Česká kancelář pojistitelů, vehicle fleet, renewal, the Czech Republic, the European Union, precaution, the Czech Insurers´ Bureau