Politické procesy 50. let - kauza Otakar Vrbenský a spol.
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Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou politických procesů 50. let 20. století
v Československu v kontextu Liberecka. Zejména pak procesem známým jako ?Otakar
Vrbenský a spol.? V kauze bylo v březnu roku 1953 Krajským soudem v Liberci odsouzeno
celkem 28 osob k trestu odnětí svobody. Předložená práce popisuje samotný soudní proces
a sleduje všechny osobnosti kauzy v době jejich věznění a následně i jejich život po
propuštění. Dále se práce snaží poukázat na fungování komunistické justice a na praktiky
spojené s vyšetřovací vazbou a vězněním v době komunistické vlády.
The thesis deals with an issue of political trials in 1950s in Liberec region of Czechoslovakia; a trial known as Otakar Vrbensky and co. in particular. There were 28 people sentenced to imprisonment by The District Court of Liberec in March 1953. The thesis describes the trial itself and observes all the people involved during their time in prison and after they were released. In addition to that, the thesis also describes the judiciary and practices concerning pre-trial detention during the communist era in Czechoslovakia.
The thesis deals with an issue of political trials in 1950s in Liberec region of Czechoslovakia; a trial known as Otakar Vrbensky and co. in particular. There were 28 people sentenced to imprisonment by The District Court of Liberec in March 1953. The thesis describes the trial itself and observes all the people involved during their time in prison and after they were released. In addition to that, the thesis also describes the judiciary and practices concerning pre-trial detention during the communist era in Czechoslovakia.
politické procesy, perzekuce, 50. léta 20. století, Krajský soud v Liberci, kauza Otakar Vrbenský a spol., komunistický režim v Československu, Státní bezpečnost