Recyklace prostoru
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Práce polemizuje s myšlenkou recyklace ve smyslu procesu znovunabytí plnohodnotné funkce a s pojmem prostoru jako místa, kterému náleží nejenom materiálové hodnoty, nýbrž i hodnoty filozofické a citové. Cílem práce je nalézt cestu k vybudování nového smyslu prostoru, a to ne pouze jeho revitalizací, ale právě recyklací a s ní spojenou nově nabytou kvalitou.
The thesis discusses the idea of recycling, in the sense of the process of regaining a full-fledged function and with the concept of space, as a place not only of material value but also of philosophical and emotional values. The aim of the work is to find a way to build a new sense of space, not just by revitalizing it, but by recycling and the related newly acquired quality
The thesis discusses the idea of recycling, in the sense of the process of regaining a full-fledged function and with the concept of space, as a place not only of material value but also of philosophical and emotional values. The aim of the work is to find a way to build a new sense of space, not just by revitalizing it, but by recycling and the related newly acquired quality
Recyklace, prostor, revitalizace, park, příroda, prázdno, Recycling, space, revitalization, park, nature, void