E-learningová podpora výuky technické angličtiny na FMMIS
Title Alternative:E-learning Education of Technical English in CLIX System
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Bakalářská práce pojednává o e-learningové výuce anglického jazyka. Hodnotí možné způsoby výuky jak standardní, tak i zaměřené na informační technologii a e-learning. Charakterizuje vývoj a historii e-learningu od jeho vzniku až po současnost a udává směr, kterým by mohl do budoucna směřovat. Hlavní částí této práce je vzdělávací počítačový program. Vytvořený vzdělávací program je určený pro studium technické angličtiny, se zaměřením pro studenty Fakulty mechatroniky. Bakalářská práce definuje funkční prvky, ovládací prvky a události řízené actionscriptem tohoto vzdělávacího programu. Práce popisuje výběr mezi dvěma prezentačními programy Macromedia Flash MX 2004 a Lecturnity.
The aim of this work is to provide understanding about e-learning kind of education of English language. The work evaluates both standard ways of education, ways focused on information technology and e-learning kind of education as well. Moreover, e-learning history and development is described in more details and possible further progress is clearly shown in few chapters of this work. Education PC program is a main part of this project. This program allows to the user studying of technical English, especially concerned to the field of mechatronics. Furthermore, functional parts, control parts and procedures controlled by action-script in this program are defined. Finally, the work shows selection from two kinds of presentation programs Macromedia Flash MX 2004 and Lecturnity.
The aim of this work is to provide understanding about e-learning kind of education of English language. The work evaluates both standard ways of education, ways focused on information technology and e-learning kind of education as well. Moreover, e-learning history and development is described in more details and possible further progress is clearly shown in few chapters of this work. Education PC program is a main part of this project. This program allows to the user studying of technical English, especially concerned to the field of mechatronics. Furthermore, functional parts, control parts and procedures controlled by action-script in this program are defined. Finally, the work shows selection from two kinds of presentation programs Macromedia Flash MX 2004 and Lecturnity.
katedra: KSI; přílohy: 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 42 s.
anglický jazyk, e-learning, macromedia flash mx 2004, vzdělávací počítačový program, english language, e-learning, macromedia flash mx 2004, education pc program