Vstup vybraného podniku na zahraniční trh
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou podniku a jeho vstupu na zahraniční trh. Dělí se na dvě hlavní části. První teoretická část se nejprve věnuje faktorům, které ovlivňují vstupy podniků na zahraniční trhy. Další fáze pojednává o formách, kterými společnosti mohou vstupovat na mezinárodní trhy. V úvodu praktické části je podnik představen, který byl zvolen pro zpracování dané problematiky. Hlavní část praktické části pojednává o dvou konkrétních trzích, na které vybraný podnik vstoupil a následně došlo ke komparaci těchto trhů za pomoci metody SWOT a PEST. Závěr práce se věnuje problematice podniku v rámci vybraných trhů, shrnutí dané problematiky a jsou naznačeny možné další kroky do budoucna.
The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of the company and its entry into the foreign market. It is divided into two main parts. The first theoretical part first deals with the factors that influence the entry of companies into foreign markets. The next phase deals with the forms by which companies can enter international markets. At the beginning of the practical part, the company that was chosen for processing the given issue is presented. The main part of the practical part deals with two specific markets on which the selected company entered, and subsequently these markets were compared using the SWOT and PEST methods. The conclusion of the work is devoted to the issue of the company within selected markets, a summary of the given issue and possible next steps for the future are indicated.
The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of the company and its entry into the foreign market. It is divided into two main parts. The first theoretical part first deals with the factors that influence the entry of companies into foreign markets. The next phase deals with the forms by which companies can enter international markets. At the beginning of the practical part, the company that was chosen for processing the given issue is presented. The main part of the practical part deals with two specific markets on which the selected company entered, and subsequently these markets were compared using the SWOT and PEST methods. The conclusion of the work is devoted to the issue of the company within selected markets, a summary of the given issue and possible next steps for the future are indicated.
Formy vstupů na zahraniční trhy, Mexiko, PEST, PRECIOSA, Situační analýza, Spojené státy americké, SWOT