Empatie a asertivita v pomáhajících profesích
Title Alternative:Empathy and Assertivness in Assisting Professions
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Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na vzájemný vztah empatie a schopnost asertivity v oblasti pomáhajících profesí. Zkoumá, zda a jak schopnost asertivity ovlivňuje míru empatie pomáhajících pracovníků v dlouhodobé praxi, a zda může znamenat asertivní jednání ochranu před syndromem vyhoření. Práce je zaměřena na specifické prostředí dětských domovů. Zohledňuje pohled pomáhajících pracovníků i pohled klientů dětského domova. Reflektuje schopnost empatie a dovednost asertivního jednání pracovníků dětských domovů.
The diploma thesis is focused on the relationship of empathy and assertiveness in the field of helping professions. There is examined whether and how assertiveness influences the degree of empathy by assisting workers in long-term practice, and whether the assertive behaviour can protect people from a burnout syndrome. The work is focused on the specific environment of children's homes. It takes the help workers and the children´s home clients opinion into account. Based on testimonies of both participants, there is evaluated the empathy and skill of assertive behaviour of a selected sample in this specific environment.
The diploma thesis is focused on the relationship of empathy and assertiveness in the field of helping professions. There is examined whether and how assertiveness influences the degree of empathy by assisting workers in long-term practice, and whether the assertive behaviour can protect people from a burnout syndrome. The work is focused on the specific environment of children's homes. It takes the help workers and the children´s home clients opinion into account. Based on testimonies of both participants, there is evaluated the empathy and skill of assertive behaviour of a selected sample in this specific environment.