Diagnostika motorických dovedností ve florbale
Title Alternative:Diagnostics of Motor Skills in Floorball
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Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce bylo sestavení české testové baterie, která bude sloužit jako prostředek pro hodnocení motorických dovedností ve florbale pro dívky ve věku 15-18 let. Výběr testů probíhal na základě syntézy poznatků o motorických dovednostech a herních činnostech jednotlivce. Testy byly vybrány z již existujících testových baterií, které využívají nejlepší florbalové země na světě, jmenovitě Švédsko, Finsko a Švýcarsko. Z každé testové baterie byl vybrán alespoň jeden test na jednotlivou herní činnost jednotlivce, čímž byla vytvořena komplexní baterie, kterou mohou využít české hráčky. Testy byly aplikovány na 48 dívkách z Ústeckého a Libereckého kraje, jež v době testování hrály dorosteneckou či juniorskou ligu. Po testování první skupiny hráček byl jeden z testů pozměněn a ve druhém došlo k mírné úpravě testového skóre. Ve většině testů se hráčky pohybovaly okolo úspěšnosti 50 %. S tímto druhem testováním se hráčky i trenéři podle svých slov setkali poprvé. Testování odhalilo jako slabinu hráček přesnost střelby na terč a jako silnou stránku dovednost vedení míčku. Trenéři tak díky tomu mohou na těchto věcech usilovněji pracovat a hráčky se díky testům mohou dále zlepšovat.
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to compose a matrix of tests to evaluate motoric skills of Czech floorball female players aged from 15 to 18 years. The selection of tests eligible for the inclusion into the final matrix was based on a synthesis of theoretical knowledge related to both, motoric skills and individual gaming activities. Matrix of tests used in the most developed floorball countries, that is Sweden, Finland and Switzerland, were used as a pool which the tests included in the final Czech matrix were selected from. At least one test was selected from each of the above-mentioned countries, and this resulted into a complex matrix of tests which may now be used for the Czech female players. Tests included into the final matrix were piloted on 48 players who were actively playing Czech junior leagues and who were based in either Ústecký or Liberecký administrative region in the time of this study. The pilot led to the structural modification in one of the tests, and also to a slight modification of scores evaluation algorithm in the other test. Pilot study participants scored roughly around 50 % in most of the tests. Participants as well as their coaches stated that this was the first time they had undergone such a complex evaluation. Pilot study also demonstrated practical usefulness of the final matrix; it revealed players' strength in skill keeping the ball and weakness in shoot at aim which might be further elaborated on as they indicate areas that should be improved in order to increase players' performance.
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to compose a matrix of tests to evaluate motoric skills of Czech floorball female players aged from 15 to 18 years. The selection of tests eligible for the inclusion into the final matrix was based on a synthesis of theoretical knowledge related to both, motoric skills and individual gaming activities. Matrix of tests used in the most developed floorball countries, that is Sweden, Finland and Switzerland, were used as a pool which the tests included in the final Czech matrix were selected from. At least one test was selected from each of the above-mentioned countries, and this resulted into a complex matrix of tests which may now be used for the Czech female players. Tests included into the final matrix were piloted on 48 players who were actively playing Czech junior leagues and who were based in either Ústecký or Liberecký administrative region in the time of this study. The pilot led to the structural modification in one of the tests, and also to a slight modification of scores evaluation algorithm in the other test. Pilot study participants scored roughly around 50 % in most of the tests. Participants as well as their coaches stated that this was the first time they had undergone such a complex evaluation. Pilot study also demonstrated practical usefulness of the final matrix; it revealed players' strength in skill keeping the ball and weakness in shoot at aim which might be further elaborated on as they indicate areas that should be improved in order to increase players' performance.