Srovnání modelu transportních a chemických procesů v horninovém prostředí s experimentálními daty
Title Alternative:Comparison of model of transport and chemical processes in rock environment with experimental data
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Tato zpráva teoreticky popisuje jednodimenzionální model transportu látek v horninovém prostředí a chemických reakcí mezi nimi. Vychází z modelu vytvořeného Ing. Vladimírem Wasserbauerem, CSc. v podniku DIAMO, s. p., o. z. TÚU, Stráž pod Ralskem a z pokusů provedených Ing. Ladislavem Gombosem tamtéž. Celá zpráva je rozdělena do pěti kapitol. V první z nich je popsán matematickofyzikální model transportu, ve kterém je zahrnuta advekce a trojí porozita. Také je zde uvedeno určování stádia chemické reakce. Ve druhé kapitole je popsána diskretizace matematicko-fyzikálního modelu pomocí metody sítí do tvaru, který je vhodný pro použití ve výpočetní technice. Ve třetí kapitole je popsán výpočet chemického složení výstupního roztoku. Jsou k tomu použity čtyři různé metody Phreeqc, Míchání bez korekce, Míchání s korekcí a Kinetika. Ve čtvrté kapitole je popsán algoritmus programu Transport, který implementuje předchozí teoretické poznatky. Také je zde jakási uživatelská příručka popisující základní ovládání programu. V poslední páté kapitole je popsána metodika kalibrace programu Transport pro používané kolony. Je zde podrobně rozebrána kalibrace na jedné z kolon a uvedeny výsledky kalibrace na ostatních kolonách.
This report theoretically describes a one-dimensional model of solution transport in rock environment and chemical reactions between them. It comes from the model developed by Ing. Vladimír Wasserbauer, CSc. in the company DIAMO, s. p., o. z. TÚU, Stráž pod Ralskem and from experiments conducted by Ing. Ladislav Gombos in the same company. The whole report is divided into five chapters. In the first of them there is a description of the mathematical and physical model of the solution transport, which includes advection and three sorts of porosity. There is also stadium of the chemical reaction defined. In the second chapter, there is a description of the discretization of the mathematical a physical model using Finite Difference Method to the computer usable form. In the third chapter, there is a description of calculation of a chemical composition of the output solution. Four methods are used for this - Phreeqc, Mixing without correction, Mixing with correction and Kinetics. In the fourth chapter, there is a description of the algorithm of the program Transport, which implements previous theoretical pieces of knowledge. There is also a user manual, which describes the basic control of the program. In the last fifth chapter, there is a description of the calibration methodology of the program Transport for used columns. There is also a detailed analysis of the calibration of the first column and results of calibrations of other columns.
This report theoretically describes a one-dimensional model of solution transport in rock environment and chemical reactions between them. It comes from the model developed by Ing. Vladimír Wasserbauer, CSc. in the company DIAMO, s. p., o. z. TÚU, Stráž pod Ralskem and from experiments conducted by Ing. Ladislav Gombos in the same company. The whole report is divided into five chapters. In the first of them there is a description of the mathematical and physical model of the solution transport, which includes advection and three sorts of porosity. There is also stadium of the chemical reaction defined. In the second chapter, there is a description of the discretization of the mathematical a physical model using Finite Difference Method to the computer usable form. In the third chapter, there is a description of calculation of a chemical composition of the output solution. Four methods are used for this - Phreeqc, Mixing without correction, Mixing with correction and Kinetics. In the fourth chapter, there is a description of the algorithm of the program Transport, which implements previous theoretical pieces of knowledge. There is also a user manual, which describes the basic control of the program. In the last fifth chapter, there is a description of the calibration methodology of the program Transport for used columns. There is also a detailed analysis of the calibration of the first column and results of calibrations of other columns.
katedra: KMO; přílohy: 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 60 s.
modelování, transport, trojí porozita, kalibrace, simulation, transport, three sorts of the porosity, calibration