WYSIWYG editor pro sazbu MathML
Title Alternative:WYSIWYG editor for MathML
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
V současnosti je většina matematiky na webu zachycena pomocí obrázků, které jsou ale těžko modifikovatelné a zpracovatelné aplikacemi, jenž manipulují s HTML. Proto World Wide Web Consortium, později W3C Math working group, vytvořilo MathML pro usnadnění práce s matematikou v prostředí WWW. MathML je tedy XML aplikace pro publikaci matematických vzorců na Webu. Tato diplomová práce se zabývá úkolem návrhu a implementace WYSIWYG editoru pro tento matematický značkovací jazyk. Editor bude jak samostatnou aplikací, tak i apletem, který bude možné vystavit na web a komunikovat s ním. K vytvoření aplikace byl použit programovací jazyk Java a to především jeho knihovna Swing pro tvorbu grafického uživatelského rozhraní a Java API for XML Processing, tedy rozhraní pro zpracování dokumentů v jazyce XML.
In present are almost mathematical terms on web captured through the images which are for the applications working with HTML hard to modified and hard to elaborate. That is why World Wide Web Consortium, later W3C Math working group, developed MathML to help with work with mathematical terms on WWW. MathML is thus XML application for publication the mathematical terms on web. This work deals with proposal and implementation WYSIWYG editor for mentioned mathematical marking language. Editor will be both independent application and applet, which will be able to run on web and communicate with it. For creating this editor was used the programming language Java, mainly its library Swing for creating graphical user interface and Java API for XML Processing for elaboration documents in XML language.
In present are almost mathematical terms on web captured through the images which are for the applications working with HTML hard to modified and hard to elaborate. That is why World Wide Web Consortium, later W3C Math working group, developed MathML to help with work with mathematical terms on WWW. MathML is thus XML application for publication the mathematical terms on web. This work deals with proposal and implementation WYSIWYG editor for mentioned mathematical marking language. Editor will be both independent application and applet, which will be able to run on web and communicate with it. For creating this editor was used the programming language Java, mainly its library Swing for creating graphical user interface and Java API for XML Processing for elaboration documents in XML language.
katedra: MTI; přílohy: CD; rozsah: 81
html, w3c, mathml, xml, wysiwyg, swing, api, html, w3c, mathml, xml, wysiwyg, swing, api