Historie liberecké Oblastní galerie do roku 1989
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Diplomová práce se zabývá dosud nezpracovanou historií Oblastní galerie v Liberci od jejího vzniku po rok 1989. Samotný charakter instituce vždy ikonicky ovlivňovali její čelní představitelé v duchu kulturně-politických proměn ve společnosti. Počátky galerie jsou pevně spjaty s budovatelským nadšením Jaro Berana, prvním správcem a následně ředitelem galerie. Liberalizační tendence šedesátých let zosobňuje Hana Seifertová a o následnou normalizaci poměrů se zasloužili Vladimír Volšička a Věra Pavlišová.
This thesis deals with the history of Regional gallery Liberec from its establishment until 1989 which has not been described up till now. The nature of this institution has always been influenced by its leaders in the spirit of cultural-political changes in society. The gallery has its origins in the shape of an enthusiastic builder Jaro Beran, who was gal-lery's first administrator and then also its first director. Liberalization tendencies of the 60's are represented by Hana Seifertová and following standardization of public rela-tions is connected with the names of Vladimír Volšička and Věra Pavlištová.
This thesis deals with the history of Regional gallery Liberec from its establishment until 1989 which has not been described up till now. The nature of this institution has always been influenced by its leaders in the spirit of cultural-political changes in society. The gallery has its origins in the shape of an enthusiastic builder Jaro Beran, who was gal-lery's first administrator and then also its first director. Liberalization tendencies of the 60's are represented by Hana Seifertová and following standardization of public rela-tions is connected with the names of Vladimír Volšička and Věra Pavlištová.
Oblastní galerie Liberec, kultura, umění, historie, Jaro Beran, Hana Seifertová, Vladimír Volšička, Naďa Řeháková, Věra Pavlišová, Regional Gallery Liberec, culture, art, history, Jaro Beran, Hana Seifertová, Vladimír Volšička, Naďa Řeháková, Věra Pavlišová