Nástěnné tapiserie na téma punk rock
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Cílem této bakalářské práce bylo vytvořit sérii nástěnných tapiserií inspirovaných punk rockem. Přímá inspirace vychází z vybraných skladeb z alba "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love" od americké rockové kapely My Chemical Romance. Důraz je kladen na vyobrazení skladeb vizuálně, ve stylu punk rocku a punkové módy. Teoretická část se zaměřuje na hudební styl punk rock, punk módu, kapelu a její tvorbu a na historii a tvorbu tapiserií. Praktická část popisuje postup práce od tvorby návrhů po konečnou realizaci. Výsledkem práce jsou ručně tkané autorské tapiserie vyrobené za použití tradičních i netradičních materiálů.
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to create a series of wall tapestries inspired by punk rock. The inspiration comes directly from selected songs from the album "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love", by the American rock band My Chemical Romance. Emphasis is placed on depicting the songs visually, in the style of punk rock and punk fashion. The theoretical part focuses on punk rock music style, punk fashion, the band itself and their work, in addition to the history and creation of tapestries. The practical part describes the working process from initial designs to final realisation. The thesis results in handwoven original tapestries using both conventional and unconventional materials.
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to create a series of wall tapestries inspired by punk rock. The inspiration comes directly from selected songs from the album "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love", by the American rock band My Chemical Romance. Emphasis is placed on depicting the songs visually, in the style of punk rock and punk fashion. The theoretical part focuses on punk rock music style, punk fashion, the band itself and their work, in addition to the history and creation of tapestries. The practical part describes the working process from initial designs to final realisation. The thesis results in handwoven original tapestries using both conventional and unconventional materials.
Punk rock, punk móda, My Chemical Romance, "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love", tapiserie, tkaní