Kolorimetrické parametry termochromních koberců pro mateřské školky
Title Alternative:Colorimetric parameters of thermochromic carpets for nursery schools
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Tato práce je zaměřena na zkoumání kolorimetrických parametrů termochromních koberců, které jsou určeny k indikaci změny teploty podlahy ve školkách. V teoretické části jsou uvedeny poznatky v oblasti termochromních systémů a základy kolorimetrie související s tématem práce. V experimentální části je popsána příprava vzorků, metodika a výsledky měření. Byla sledována změna barevné odchylky termochromních pigmentů pomocí spektrofotometru v prostoru CIE L*a*b*. Z naměřených hodnot je vyhodnocena závislost barevné odchylky {$\Delta$}E* na teplotě, koncentraci použitého pigmentu a době trvání barevné změny. V poslední části je diskutována vhodnost termochromních koberců pro daný účel použití a uvedeno doporučení pro další postup.
This work is focused on enquiry into colorimetric parameters of the thermochromic carpets that are intended for the change in temperature indication of floor in nurseries. Theoretical part includes pieces of knowledge in the field of thermochromic systems and colorimetric principles, which is related to theme of work. Experimental part described preparing of specimens, methodology and results of measurement. Has been monitored the colour difference change of the thermochromic pigments through spectrophotometer inside of CIE L*a*b* space. Of measured values is evaluated dependence of colour difference {$\Delta$}E* on temperature, pigment concentrations and period of the colour change. In the last part is discussed usability of thermochromic carpets for given purpose of using and is introduced recommendation for another procedure.
This work is focused on enquiry into colorimetric parameters of the thermochromic carpets that are intended for the change in temperature indication of floor in nurseries. Theoretical part includes pieces of knowledge in the field of thermochromic systems and colorimetric principles, which is related to theme of work. Experimental part described preparing of specimens, methodology and results of measurement. Has been monitored the colour difference change of the thermochromic pigments through spectrophotometer inside of CIE L*a*b* space. Of measured values is evaluated dependence of colour difference {$\Delta$}E* on temperature, pigment concentrations and period of the colour change. In the last part is discussed usability of thermochromic carpets for given purpose of using and is introduced recommendation for another procedure.
katedra: KTM; rozsah: 64
termochromismus, barevný prostor cie l*a*b*, spektrofotometr, barevná odchylka, iniciační teplota, thermochromism, cie l*a*b* color space, spectrophotometer, color difference, activation temperature